Chapter 24

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Demi is a very good teacher and I learn another whole song with her help. She is also a great singer because when she sings along, it sounds beautiful.

Unfortunately, the lesson is cut short when my tutor comes and it's time to start learning school things instead. We're learning about math and writing now, and she says I'm a fast learner. I guess that's a good thing when I am so far behind to begin with.

The tutor leaves at suppertime and then Demi, Wilmer, and I eat mashed potatoes and chicken. I think it's another one of my favorite meals, and I'm just sad that I've missed out on so much while I was growing up.

"What would you like to do this evening?" Demi asks me.

If only I knew what I don't know, then I would know what I want to do. I want to learn.

"How about we bring you to our favorite trail?" Wilmer mentions.

"Where's that?" I question.

"It's just a short drive and then we walk to our favorite spot."


Demi reminds me to wear a sweater, and then we get in the car. The drive is slow and the parking lot by the trail is empty except for us.

I look into the distance as I see a flash of lightning. It's still far away and there's still sun where we are, but I just hope that this trail is short enough for us to get back in time.

Demi grabs my left hand and Wilmer my right before we start the trail. The path is wide enough at the beginning, they say, then we'll have to go single file.

The trail is surrounded by trees that make me feel like I'm almost in a movie or storybook. It's very pretty and I can see why Demi and Wilmer love it.

The path continues as it was for a while, then becomes skinnier and turns to gravel. Demi and Wilmer let go of my hands and Demi goes in front of me, Wilmer behind. My legs are starting to get a little tired, but I keep going because I don't want to seem like I can't do it.

I jump slightly as I feel a drop of water land on my nose. I notice that the clouds are starting to drip, and I hope that we don't get caught out in the rain.

"Do you like the rain?" Demi asks me.

"I don't know," I reply. 

Although I've had limited exposure to rain, I know that it means that the power often goes out, there are more chores to do, and everything gets wet. I don't know why anyone would like it, unless I'm missing something, like I often am.

"-to the end?"

I look at Demi, trying to understand what she had asked. I wish that I wouldn't space out sometimes.

"I'm sure we'll get back in time. The storm's still a while away," Wilmer says.

"Well, we've made it." Demi sighs as she walks over to a tall tree that seems to almost tower over the others. Demi continues to say that although the hiking trail is a loop, this tree has her and Wilmer's initials carved into it. I don't understand why they would do that, but if it makes them happy, I'm not complaining.

Without warning, my foot slides on a tree root as I hear another crash of thunder and the rain comes down a little harder. I grab a branch to stop myself from falling, gasping as I hear a snap... the branch breaking.

After a second of not being able to breathe, I sit up from the ground.

"Are you okay?" Both Demi and Wilmer rush to my side.

I nod, but stop when a searing pain rushes through my ankle. "It hurts."

"The rain's getting worse!" Demi sounds panicked. "We need to get back to the car!"

"Do you think you can stand up?" Wilmer questions.

I carefully lift myself onto my feet, but the pain courses through my leg again and I fall back down.

"Can I pick you up?" he asks.

I nod and Wilmer lifts me off the ground into his arms. I hadn't expected to, but I feel safe like this. My ankle does ache as it doesn't have any support, but at least I'm not on the ground anymore.

The rain is falling in sheets and I start to shake from the cold water. My hair sticks to my face and my clothes are soaked through.

"We need to hurry!" Demi exclaims.

Both her and Wilmer are running and I feel helpless as I slow Wilmer down. Surprisingly, the rain feels warmer on my face, but then I realize that it's only because I'm crying. The rain is scary and my leg hurts. I want to cuddle up on my bed with a blanket instead of stuck out here.

Wilmer skids a little, but doesn't fall as we continue making our way to the car. Demi drops onto the ground for a second from the slippery ground, but stands back up immediately. I guess she's strong enough not to hurt herself.

I breathe a sigh of relief when I see the edge of the path turn into the parking lot where I can see the parked car. Wilmer opens the back door and places me inside, jostling my ankle that's turning bright red and swollen. He makes sure I've buckled myself, then closes the door before climbing into the driver's seat.

"How are you feeling, Lilly?" Demi asks from her seat.

I don't want to tell the truth because it makes me sound needy, but I say that my ankle hurts, just because I'm still crying and I don't think the pain will go away.

"We can stop at the hospital," Wilmer says as we start to drive.


So, this chapter is a bit of a mess and I'm sorry that it's been so long since I last published this book, but I hope that it's good. And is it really a surprise that Demi fell?

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