The Cave

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Once night fell Team Demon finally found a decent cave to spend the night in. Naru And Iruka laid their sleeping bags out and put Kakashis on top of them. After they got Kakashi settled in Naru did another quick round of healing before Kakashi passed out. Once they made sure Kakashi was asleep they headed to the mouth of the cave to keep watch.
"So... Kakashi is a girl..." Iruka started off awkwardly. And Naru just looked at him for a second.
"Does it really change anything? I mean it hurts alittle that she didn't tell me. But I understand." Naru answered.
"No it doesn't really change anything. I still love her just as much as when I thought she was a he." Iruka sighed. Naru just gave a small smile. Suddenly they heard a whimper from the back of the cave and sprang into action, racing towards Kakashi.
When they got to her she was thrashing around on the floor, arms curled around her stomach, and crying.
"Kashi, what's wrong?!" Iruka yelled, panic seeping into his voice as he saw the blood pooling around her.
"Ruka, Ruka it hurts, help me, please" Kakashi sobbed. Iruka turned wide terrified eyes to Naru as he lifted Kakashis head and settled her in his lap. Naru jumped into action using her medical ninjutsu so scan Kakashis stomach trying to find what was wrong, cursing herself for not doing it sooner. Narus eyes widened when she finally found the problem. Kakashi was going into labor. And from what Naru could tell Kakashi was only 6 months along. The baby only had a 30-35% chance of living.
"K-Kashi.." Naru started choking on a sob. Iruka turned his eyes to her and watched as Naru tried to be strong.
"Kashi, I can't do anything. I'm so sorry. It'll be over soon though ok? Can you hear me Kashi?" Naru asked and Kakashi gave a jerky shake of her head.
"W-what's happening? A-am I going to die." Kakashi asked with a shaking voice. Naru just turned sad, miserable, hopeless eyes to her.
"No kashi. Your not going to die. I wouldn't let you die. Ruka and me, were not going anywhere ok? Now you might need to push alittle bit ok? We're just going to pull your knees up, yep just like that, and we're gunna have Ruka slide behind you, just like that. Now, this is going to be uncomfortable, but I need you to spread your legs" Kakashis eyes widened in confusion and Irukas widened in understanding.
"Naru, please, tell me what's going on. Please." Kakashi sobbed. Naru lifted her eyes to Irukas and then back down to Kakashis.
"Kashi... you're pregnant..." Naru watched mismatched eyes widen in disbelief.
"Kashi... do you know how long you've been gone?" Naru asked and watched as Kakashi shook her head no.
" kashi, you've been gone for almost 7 months. You're about 6 months pregnant. And you're in active labor. I need to check and see how close you are ok? Can you tell when the pain starts and stops?" Naru asked
"Y-yea. It's lessening now." Kakashi answered in a small voice.
"Ok good. That's good kashi. Now I want you to let me know when it start again and when it stops and then I'll check you ok? And to check you I'm going to have to put my fingers inside you. Do you trust me?" Naru asked looking Kakashi straight in the eyes. Kakashi nodded her head and leaned back against Iruka and closed her eyes to wait.
The minutes ticked by and when 6 minutes went by Naru started to get worried. And right at 7 minutes Kakashi let out a whimper that quickly turned to screaming.
"FUCK! Kami it hurts. Ruka, Ruka please make it stop!"
"Naru! Do something damn it!" Iruka yelled with tears rolling down his face.
"Kashi, I need you to breath ok? Deep breath in, deep breath out. Good, you're doing so good ok? Keep breathing, let me know when it's over ok? Iruka I need you to calm down. Do you really think I wouldn't be doing something, anything, if I could. Any pain killers I have could kill her, and with out a doubt would kill the baby. I'm literally doing everything I can right now. I can't use any more medical ninjutsu on her either or I'm going to fry her chakra coils. And I'd really rather not knock her out because I don't want to cut her open in a fucking cave. So unless you have another idea hold her hands, coach her through breathing, and calm the fuck down because I'm doing the best I can." Naru yelled.
"N-Naru... I think it's over..." Kakashi mumbled looking down.
"Ok, spread your legs." Naru said as she grabbed her knees and gently pushed them apart.
"Ok this is going to be very uncomfortable and possibly even hurt. I just need you to bear with me for a couple seconds ok?" Naru explained as she crawled up between her legs.
"Ok kashi here we go ok?" Naru said as she pushed her fingers into Kakashis vagina.
"I'm almost done kashi, just alittle bit longer. Annnd there we go. I'm done, you can put your legs down. We're just going to cover you up for now ok?" Naru said as she grabbed a thick blanket and wrapped it around Kakashi.
"Kashi can I borrow Ruka for a second." Naru asked looking at Kakashi. Kakashi just shook her head no and snuggled closer to Iruka. Iruka just sent Naru a helpless look not knowing what to do.
"Fuck it" Naru mumbled as she moved up by Iruka.
"This is going to take hours. And it's only going to get worse. I sent a Fox back to Konoha to grab more supplies. And update the Hokage. We're going to be here for a couple days so I'm going to put up some seals to keep people out, make it safer, and regulate the temperature, it'll take me about an hour. Try to get her to rest as much as possible and sleep when she can and Drink some water. Yell for me if anything changes. She's going to be in a lot of pain. Talk her through breathing. I'll be back." Naru said as she set out to put up the seals.

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