Babies and Goodbyes

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AUTHORS NOTE!!! I trying to post regularly but it's not really working :( so I'm going to post 2 or 3 chappys today!!! Please comment and let me know what you think or what could be done better :) it would really help if I had some feedback!!! 

-4hours later-
"FUCK!!! Naru, something feels different. Somethings not right." Kakashi whimpered gripping one of Irukas hands and one of Narus.
"What feels different kashi." Naru asked moving from Kakashis side down to between her legs again.
"I-I feel like I gotta push.." Kakashi said.
"Ok, you're ok, just push when you feel like you need to push ok? It's almost over I promise. I'm just going to check you again, stay calm and breathe ok?" Naru explained as she leaned forward again and slipped 2 fingers in.
"Oh my Kami kashi, you're so close. The baby is right there. On the next contraction push ok." Naru exclaimed while pushing Kakashis legs up more.
"GahhhhhAHHHHH! FUCK FUCK FUCK!" Kakashi scream while bearing down.
"Shhh, just breathe love, just breathe, your ok, I've got you, your almost done." Iruka cooed while gently brushing the sweaty hairs out of her face.
"Ruka, I love you, I always have, I just didn't know how to tell you because I was supposed to be a guy and I was scared to tell you I wasn't And and and... FUCK!!! Kami damnit!" Kakashi cried while Iruka just held him tighter and planted a soft kiss on her forehead.
"Kashi, one more good push ok? Your so close. The baby's got silver hair, just like you. Lots and lots of silver hair. One more kashi just one more." Naru gently said while cradling the babies head.
"GAHHHHH!!!!" Kakashi scream giving one last push and the baby slipped out.
Naru immediately got to work trying to get the baby breathing. It took a couple minutes but finally a baby cry echoed through the cave. And Naru gave a sigh of relief.
"Kashi. It's a baby girl... do you wanna hold her?" Naru asked and Kakashi quickly shook her head.
"Naru. I still feel like I need to PUSH!" Kakashi yelled and Naru scrambled to get back between her legs making a shadow clone in the process to wrap up and hold the baby.
Naru channeled her medical chakra and scanned Kakashi again. When she found the problem tears welled in her eyes.
"Kashi... there's another baby... but t-this o-one..." Naru couldn't hold them in anymore and let the tears fall. Kakashi And Iruka both looked at Naru with sad, teary eyes.
"Kashi... I-I can reach in and g-grab this o-one since it's a-already g-gone. It'll hurt more but it'll only last a minute. Or we can go the other way and have you push again." Naru cried. 
"There's nothing you can do?" Iruka asked with a hitch in his voice.
"I'm going to try either way to save the baby. But it's not likely this one is going to make it.." Naru answered.
"But it'll be safer for the baby if I push right. There will be a better chance if I push?" Kakashi asked, pain lacing every word. Naru thought about it for a second before she answered,
"This is what we're going to do. I'm going to reach in and grab the baby and you're going to push when I tell you too, ok. This is going to be very painful. You haven't ripped so far but going this route there's no avoiding it. You sure you want to do this?" Naru asked looking straight into pained mismatched eyes. And watched the head nod yes.
"Ok, are you ready?" Naru asked as she channeled medical chakra on her hands and through her arms. Kakashi nodded and Naru started to reach both up through her birth canal to grab the baby, trying to avoid the screaming. Once she got her fingers hooked under the babies armpits she told Kakashi to push and she started to pull the baby out.
"Keep going kashi. Keep pushing" Naru encouraged. After the worst 2 minutes of their lives a baby boy was pulled out. Naru immediately started channeling medical chakra into the baby trying to get his heart and lungs to start working. As the minutes ticked by Naru was starting to loose hope. She was using every last bit of her chakra trying to save that little baby. Finally after what felt like hours, but was only minutes, a faint whimper broke the silence followed by a loud, strong cry.
"It's a boy kashi." Naru whispered as she handed the boy over to Kakashi while the clone gave the baby girl to Iruka. Naru used the very last of her chakra to finish delivering the placenta and healing all the tears. When she was done she sat back and just looked at her family. Her family that just grew by two.
"I love you guys. You're the only family I've ever had and I'd honestly go through it all again just so I could have you guys in the end. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me and I'm so happy for you guys. There's formula, bottles, diapers, wipes, clothes, blankets, passies, and books in one of the bags over there. The other is filled with water, food, clean clothes, blankets, and just about anything else you could need..."
"Naru. Why are you saying all this. Are you ok..." Iruka started but got cut off by Kakashi.
"It's sounds like your saying goodbye. You'd better not..."
"Make sure those babies know how much I loved them too. Make sure they get the childhood we never had..."
"Naru fucking stop. Stop acting like you're dying. You can't go anywhere. We need you. We love you and nothing would be..."
"All the money in my bank account goes to you guys per my will. Use it to buy them lots and lots of toys. Not the practice kunai and shit we had as kids. I mean puzzles and books and dolls and stuffed teddies. Ya know the stuff we saw kids playing with and wanted nothing more than to have one of our own..."
"Naru please stop... please..." tears were falling from all eyes at this point.
"I've got no chakra at all left and I don't think Kurama is going to be able to fix this one because I used most of her chakra too. Who knows. Kashi, remember you are strong and fierce and beautiful. Make sure when you get knocked down you always get back up because I know you can. Iruka, you are so kind and loyal and handsome. Make sure you grab life by the balls and get everything you want. You both love each other so stop pussyfooting around each other and just admit you're meant to be together. Y'all have two beautiful babies to raise so do it right! I'm going to clock out now and hope I actually wake up. But if I don't, I love you guys... goodbye."
The last thing Naru saw as the world went black was Iruka handing the baby to Kakashi and rushing towards her. Screaming and crying. The last thing she heard was a choked
"We love you too."

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