Chapter Three. November 2013

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In November, Me and David were in our glory days. We were inseparable and we became a strong couple that everyone found adorable and solid. I was over the moon in love with David and so was he.

  One day in the morning David and I were talking about our previous relationships. You see me and David had something in common. in every relationship we had we got cheated on. I convinced David that I'd never do anything like that but I was still sceptical.

    That morning was the first of many times David proposed to me. I didn't take it seriously but David was sure of it.

Everyday he bought me lunch and shared everything with me. he opened doors for me and spoke to me like I was sent from heaven to him. One of the greatest places I've ever been was in his arms. It makes you feel complete, at home.

   I wish November would have lasted forever.

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