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'Toby. It's time to wake up.'
I hear her voice.
'We're going on a trip today. Just you and me in the car.'
She spoke again.

Lyra. Please don't go...

(Masky P.O.V.)
"Lyra... no..." Toby groans in his sleep.

Lyra? Who is that?

"Come on, Toby. We haven't got all day. There's a big day ahead of us." I gently shake his shoulders again.

"L-Lyra... no..." He slowly opens his eyes. "M-Masky?" His soft, brown hair is all messy from sleeping. He groggily opens his eyes to look at me.

"W-We have a mission." I get up and head for the door. "I made you some waffles. Their in the fridge. Go heat them up." I said as I left the room for him to get ready for the day.

I then head down to the living room to find Slenderman sleeping on the couch. Sally is innocently cuddled up next to him.

'You really need more sleep, boss.' I thought as I took a blanket and gently placed it over the two. I then headed to the kitchen to read my book without disturbing Slender.

BEN was in the kitchen, trying to reach the top cupboard. He was too short to reach it.

Without saying anything, I picked up BEN and placed him on the counter, so he could reach.

"Thanks Masky!" He smiled. He grabbed some fizzy drinks and jumped off, heading to his room.

Toby then came in, his hair was still messy, but he had his iconic hoodie and mouth guard on. His goggles rested up on the top of his head. He didn't realise I was there, as he reached for the pre-made waffles and set them to heat in the oven. He looked kind of sad.

"Who's Lyra?" I asked him, trying to comfort him.

His eyes widened as he looked at me in horror. He then pinned me up against the counter, a knife to my neck.

"Don't you dare mention her name ever again." He spoke, more serious than usual.

I nodded, as he put me down and continued to watch his waffles cook.

"T-Thanks by the way..." he looked down and fumbled with his hands. It seemed as if his bi-polar disorder got the best of him.

"Your welcome. But, you can always talk to me if you want." I tried to give him an opportunity to open up.

"It's okay. But thanks, Masky! For everything." He threw his arms around me, making me blush under my mask. It was all too sudden.

Obey [Masky x Ticci Toby]Where stories live. Discover now