The half lion II

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"King Jon Stark accepted the invitation but his respond scared me" I said Aegon

"What do you mean?" Aegon asked

"He said he went beyond the Wall" I started "to bring proof of the true enemy"

"True enemy? "Rhaenys repeated "what is that supposed to mean?"

"Is he really calling himself Jon Stark?" Asked Dany "why would he choose that name?"

"That's something we need to asked him" said Aegon "did the letter said anything else?"

"Only that my brother abandoned my mad sister and has pledge to him" I answered

"Ser Jaime?" Asked Rhaenys "he pledge to my other little brother?"

"Looks like it" I answered

"Ser Jaime is a good man who fall in the claws of his sister" said ser Barristan "that mad bitch used him as a paw and force him to do horrible things"

"Your right about that" I answered "I known for a fact that Cercei was the one who pushed Brandon Stark from the window, when Jaime refused to do it"

"He refused because he was fostered in the north for four years and he learned about honor in there snd he try to live by those laws" I said "he saw Ned Stark as a brother and when he heard his mad son executed him in cold blood, he cried. He couldn't do much but to fight alongside Robb Stark"

"But why he return to King's Landin" asked Dany

"Because he pledge to return with Sansa and Arya to Riverrum" said Tyrion "but he was kidnapped by the Bolton's and lost his sword hand and by time he made it to King's Landing...."

"The red wedding happened" said ser Barristan

"Yes" I answered "my brother was disgusted by what happened and he got into a fight with my father and never spoke to him again. When I kill my father, I said to him that Jaime also wanted to do it but didn't have the courage"

"But kinslaying...." Started Dany

"It's horrible" I said "but he never treated me as his son, didn't felt wrong at the time but now, I fell some regret"

"That's good" said Aegon

"So When does our brother arrives?" Asked Rhaenys

"Soon, I hope" said Aegon

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