Chapter 6

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After the make out session with Hayes , you see that you got a text from Holly (Taylor's sister) and it said

" Im so sorry y/n for what Taylor did"

"Don't be he's the stupid one for cheating on me with some other girl" you respond back

"Well babe I'm tired", Hayes tells you

"Me too, I'm gonna go to bed", you respond

~The next morning~

You wake up to discover Hayes isn't next to you ,then you smell your favorite breakfast being made (Chocolate chip pancakes and extra crispy bacon)

Since the make out session with Hayes , you've been having symptoms of pregnancy.. Morning sickness, cravings, and extreme moodiness.

"Um baby , I think I'm pregnant.." You tell him

"I'll buy you the tests then", he says before kissing you

~Goes and buys the tests~

"Here go and take them", Hayes tells you

You go into the bathroom and take it , it's ten minutes later and the results are back.

Find out if its positive or negative in my next chapter

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