The Beginning

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External database connection offline. Navigation system corrupted. Attempting to establish connection with available network.

Attempt failed, password required. Please input password.


Incorrect password.
Please input password.


Incorrect password.
Please input password.


Incorrect password.
Too many failed attempts, please try again later.

An artificial sigh. Under the scorching Nevada sun, a young displaced omnic laments the time she spent learning traffic laws over more useful skills like hacking. (This warrants a third glare toward the rusted vehicle unlawfully abandoned several meters away.)
Overheated plating creaks in protest as four legs fold, tucking beneath the weight of a pale frame. Settled on the ground the sand seems to seep further into her joints. There's an involuntary shudder at the unfamiliar feeling, and the omnic concludes that sand is wholly unpleasant. Bearable, though there wasn't much of a choice in seating between sand or more sand. Another beat in that simmering heat passes in silence.
Her coolant system cycles on again. She adds the sun to her growing list of unpleasant things.

Though her creator discouraged her from making negative generalizations based on minimal experience, Orisa thought that this day qualified for the classification of ' not good '.
It had started well enough, Efi had been ecstatic to meet with the Overwatch scientist Winston. He was excited too, he told them he was close to a breakthrough with an invention that utilized the same type of technology as the chronal accelerator. Orisa didn't quite understand it. However, she was content to sit in on the two scientists' happy chatter until... One of them suggested a test run. It should have been safe . As soon as the device was activated their smiles slipped off their faces. Something was wrong, they only had a split second to register it before the omnic's protection protocols sent her surging forth to shield them from a blast that tore through her deployed barrier like it was made of glass. Leaving Orisa as the sole obstacle between it and her creator. So she stood firm...and came back online to her first encounter with desert terrain.

Disoriented and understandably frightened the first thing she had done was attempt to contact Efi, which resulted in an error. Then she consulted her navigation program, only to discover it was corrupted, and so far she couldn't connect to any local networks to sync it properly.
Thus, Orisa was left sifting through the instructions Efi gave her in the event she became lost.
"Don't be scared Orisa. It's okay if you lose your way from time to time. There's always people willing to help..."
Most of the options involved interaction with people rather than relying on her technology: talk to the locals, find a police station, ask an adult for help...
Efi wanted her to socialize, problem solve, and expand her programming herself. If none of those options were viable, she was to stay put and activate her homing beacon, which in this case she had.

There was no response to her beacon, which was understandable, maybe. It's signal was weak. Something nearby was interfering with her broadcast protocols, suppressing her beacon. 'Perhaps all it needs is a boost?' At that thought an idea cultivates itself in her young mind.

She disengages the supercharger from her back. This was not what it was made for, but the ability to adapt was ingrained in her core. It was what separated her from the discontinued OR15s, and now it was what let her reconfigure her own code so the supercharger could amplify her beacon.

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