The Other Brother

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     We arrive at the party I'm dressed in a crop-top and jeans. He goes off again leaving me alone. I feel a tap and turn around I meeted with a tall figure with brown hair. He greets me and says his name is Winston. He is my other stepbrother I noticed how he looks at first. He grabs my hand and pulls me inside the party. Everyone chants his name as if he is the popular guy. Everyone start yelling to do it while on the other hand I'm on the spotlight. He grabs my face and right when I begin to realize what is happening. Henry is coming over to see what going on.
Henry sees what Winston is doing and goes over to fight Winston.
As Henry punches Winston someone grabs me and pulls me upstairs. It's hard to see who's pulling me. It's a girl with brown hair and a pink shirt. She pushes me in a room and tells me her name is Anna. She explained everything to my understanding I say goodbye and leave the room. I check outside for my car and it's not there Henry probably took it. I ask Anna to take me home and she does. I quickly run upstairs and in to the room.
I get on my bed to go to sleep and I realize I'm hungry. I quickly go downstairs to grab a snack and Winston is down there. There is no school tomorrow at least because of President day. I wake up and go to brush my teeth. I go down for breakfast and see Henry already eating. Dad must be at work with my new stepmother. I grab a snack from the pantry and go to the living room to watch Netflix.
I get up to grab my phone. I call my friend Karmen that moved last year. She doesn't answer so I just rest my eyes and try to go back to sleep. Soon I just fall asleep and it's the next day. I drive me and Henry to school and I go to find Anna. I find Anna with a group of friends. I noticed some people in the group are from the dance team. "Hey it smells since she came over here"says a girl with blonde hair. I quickly snap back "Then close your mouth!" I go to walk away when I'm greeted with a bunch of girls.
"Are you dating Winston?" A girl with a blue top says. "No why?" I say back I start to wonder is he telling people. "Yeah haven't you heard?" She says. I search for Winston across the courtyard. I spot him in plain sight a group is crowding him. I walk right over there and push everyone away. I'm facing Winston and I slap him as hard as I can. "I'm not your girlfriend liar!" I storm away far as possible. Henry is headed my way He grabs my arm and pulls me away from everyone. "Look I know your not  Winston's girlfriend" he says.
I can't help it I go to reach for his face but I stop there. Instead I hug him tightly until I can't grasp no more. I release and so does he and we are just gazing at each other. The bell rings and that means it time for first block. I reach for my stuff but he stops me. "Would you like me to escort you to class?" He says cheeky. Of course I smile and agree with him. He takes me to my classroom and we go separate ways.
I enter the classroom and I unpack my stuff. Everyone eyes were on me I felt as if I was going to die. I wish Leilani was in this class but it's full of silly freaks. I hear giggles and remarks about me and Winston. They already got our couple name Walex. We are given homework which makes people stop talking about me and Winston. After, We arrive home to Winston and his mom arguing. I thought it was the dummest thing I've ever seen. Until, I listened close and it was about what happened at school. I was about to leave the room when Henry pulled on my arm and told me not to leave. I felt wrong for liking him but half of me didn't.
I thought I made a mistake but it was too hard to recognize. He released my arm from him strong grip. All of a sudden Winston hit his mother. Henry dashed toward Winston and started tackling him. I the caring one ran to Henry's mom I sat her up and just started asking questions. She was okay but Winston had left and he hasn't been seen around school. Except for one day We we're on the courtyard and he had brought a gun to school. He didn't shoot he just asked to see me and I of course didn't want to see him. He had been a horrible stepbrother I tried to forget him.
It worked for awhile until they found a dead body and it belonged to Winston. It hurted me alot and to think I thought it was my fault. I didn't cry though I wanted to Henry was there to be right next to me. I couldn't take it anymore I wanted to die I cried for Winston and my Mom and my Grandma. I just wanted to kiss Henry and let my pain disappear. I woke up that morning with no one regret of crying it felt good to let it out. Henry might actually be my true love he got me a puppy. I cried with joy I had the perfect name I named it Joy. Today I get a day off from school because of Winston's death. I went to school the following day everyone blamed me for Winston's death.
I guess he really upped my popularity level. I don't even care about my popularity level. This is a great way to start off my first week off school. Fridays are always the best free lunch and no homework. Now tell me that is not amazing I'm still upset about Winston though. Leilani cheers me up by buying me ice cream she also apologizes about the dance team. I accept her apology even though it's not her fault. I decide I'm not in the mood for ice cream. I kindly disregard the choice of throwing it away.
I walk up to the blonde haired girl and smash the ice cream on her shirt. I'm not catched by anyone so no evidence Leilani and I laugh all day about it. I invite her for a sleepover. Her mom and my dad agrees. Me and her sleep out in the living room. "Do you like anybody?" She asked me.
Do I trust her with this? Definitely not. I turn to my side to look at her and shake my head no. She smiles and turns to go to sleep. I follow along and we are off to sleep. I yawn with a stretch I look over to find Anna still sleeping. I decide to pour water on her I giggled at that thought. I grab a cup and fill it with water and walk to her. I see that she moved from her spot I sit down the cup of water. I feel cold water touch my back and soak into my shirt. I turn around and she burst out laughing I quickly grab my cup of water and poured it on her. I quickly realized we made a huge mess me and her start laughing. After, we cleaned up we run to go get dressed so we can go to the spa. When me and Leilani head to leave Henry is waiting at the door.
Me and Leilani just stand their in silence just looking at him. He finally speaks up "I'm taking the car" with no bye he just leaves. Me and Anna take my dad's car to the nail salon. We get our nails done me and she decides to literally shop until we drop. Of course I agree we head to get our hair done and then we just shop. I'm tired and so is she we head to Starbucks for some cute frappes don't forget about pictures. We head back to my house and just watch Netflix for the remainder of the night. I woke up or at least I I thought I did. I'm pretty sure I was dreaming I heard my mom call out to me.
She repeated my name and it echoed. Then, I heard it in a small whisper. I thought it was Anna or Henry trying to wake me. I woke up and formed in to a sitting position. I wiped my tears and sweat from my face I quickly got up for a drink. Anna was already up so I was glad I wasn't alone I put away the blankets. I didn't tell Anna what happened. I had been down all day and she seemed a little to. I asked what wrong but she just shrugged. Anna had to go home today and tomorrow is school.
I head upstairs and stop because I remember I left my puppy in my room all weekend. I start to tear up but I find out Henry fed her. I actually do start to cry but not because of the dog. For Henry he is amazing my dad quickly runs to me. "Henry's birthday is tomorrow!"he whispers. Perfectly on time that's when he will receive his present.

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