Chapter 2

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Mal's POV

Ben and I walked to the castle, without saying a word.

'Oh, hello dears. We didn't expect you two tonight, come on in,' Belle said with a friendly smile and let us in.

We walked to the main living room and saw Beast sitting on the sofa. Belle sat next to him and Ben and I sat down on two chairs opposite them.

'So, to what do we owe the honour of this visit?' Beast asked.

I looked at Ben. I really didn't know how to start this conversation, but he clearly didn't either.

'Well, uhm, i-it's about Grace,' I said.

Belle and Beast looked at each other and then back at me.

Beast sighed. 'Okay look, this may sound a little harsh, but nobody can ever know about her. You have to realize that you are the king and queen, and still underaged. It would be a disgrace if anyone would find out the queen was pregnant at the age of 16,' Beast explained.

'And you didn't think it would be good to first discuss it with me? She's my daughter! You had no right to do that,' I told them a little upset.

'You weren't ready for this, you're still kids! First you have to finish school and, uh, oh yeah, maybe be adults {sarcastic}, before you can have a kid. And, okay yeah she's your daughter, but Ben is our son and you're our daughter-in-law. And since you're both underaged, we decide these kinda things for you. That's how it is,' Beast said sternly.

Tears were coming up into my eyes. I couldn't handle this anymore, so I stood up and just ran out of the room, through the endless hallways of the castle. After a few minutes I opened a random door and closed it behind me.

I looked around and then realized I was in Ben's room (fyi Ben has his own dorm at Auradon Prep, this room was actually his "old" room, but he still sleeps here when he sleeps over at his parents' during holidays or something).

I sat down at a lazy chair by the door, doing nothing but cry.


Ben's POV

'Mal! Wait, come back!' I yelled, after Mal ran away.

I stood up and ran through the castle. Where did she go? She doesn't even know the way in this huge building. I just ran through the hallways, hoping to find her anywhere.

'Benjamin Florian, come back here this instant!' I heard my father yell after me.

I knew he was mad when he said my full name. I just kept running and heard my parents following me.

When I reached my room, my parents had caught up with me.

'This not how we raised you, to just run away in the middle of a conversation, young man!' my father yelled at me.

'Sweetie, calm down. It's no big deal,' my mom told my dad.


Mal's POV

I suddenly heard people yelling from the other side of the door, so I stood up and leaned against the door to hear what they were saying.

'Why are you so mad at me?!' I heard Ben yelling.

'Maybe because you promised us nothing would happen and the next thing we know is that you got her pregnant! We thought we could trust you,' I heard Beast yelling back at him.

'And you're bringing this up now?! That happened like 9 months ago!' Ben told his dad.

'Back then I couldn't get mad at you, that was under completely different circumstances!' Beast yelled.

'But why did you have to take it out on Mal?' Ben asked.

'She was mad at us, although we did what was right,' Beast said.

'No, you didn't do the right thing!' Ben yelled at him.

'You agreed with us, remember?!' Beast yelled back.

'That was only because you manipulated me with your stupid "It's better for everyone blah blah blah"!' Ben yelled at his dad.

'Now you're going too far young man,' Beast told Ben. You could hear by his voice that he was about to explode.

But suddenly I the door opened, which caused me to fall to the floor. I looked up and saw Ben quickly getting in and he locked the door when he was inside.

'Mal! Oh, I'm so sorry,' he said and helped me get up.

'I'm okay I'm okay,' I said quickly.

'I'm so sorry about my dad,' he said.

'It's okay, it's not your fault,' I told him with a weak smile.

'Benjamin Florian, open the door! Right now!' Beast yelled.

'Adam, just let him cool off for a minute,' Belle told Beast.

We heard them walking away.

'Are you still mad at me?' Ben asked me.

'No, of course not. It was your parents decision, not yours,' I told him.

'So you don't actually hate me?' He asked a little surprised.

'I could never hate you, you know that,' I told him.

I looked at Ben and he looked at me. It was quiet for a while, but then Ben leaned in and kissed me. And I gladly kissed back. That's what you call the calm after the storm.


Author's Note

Hi everyone!

So here's chapter 2, I hope you enjoyed.:)

Did y'all see the new D3 trailer cause it was amaaaaziingg omg I can't wait anymoreee why can't they just release it alreaadyyyy

xxx Pava

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