Daehyun x Young J

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Today, Mayhem doesnt have any schedule so I decided to go out. I went to Wyld's favorite cafe with that scary looking dude with the tatoos. To be honest,they do make some pretty good coffee. I feel like Wyld lives off of coffee though.

I walk into the cafe and hear the little 'dingding' from the bell on top of the door.

"Oh god, dont tell me you brought the rest of your crew..." Jun said with absolute dread on his face.

"Nope! Just me today!" I shined.

"You act like that makes me feel any better..." He groaned. "Ill get you your milk."

"But I didnt-"

"Sure you did. Now go sit down and wait."

"I- okay..?" I went and sat at a booth. I have no idea how Wyld is so close to that guy.

After waiting about 5 minutes, someone else walks up to my table. After looking up, I can see that its Young J from Sa1nt.

"Oh hey, Young J. Didnt expect to see you here." I said with the purest smile on my face.

"Oh ye- yea.. I like the um... coffee... they have here.." He stuttered out, with a blush evident on his face.

"Oh, me too! Its better then Stardeers."

"Yea... Sure. Can I sit here?" He asked softly.

"Sure. None of the other members are coming today, so its just you and me!" I glowed.

He blushed and sat down, hiding his face in his baggy purple hoody.

When our milks came, it was quiet. A comfortable quiet.

"Do you have any plans today?" I asked.

"No. Im free. W-why?"

"I have something I want to go do!" I exclaimed cheerfully.

"I um," he stuttered,  "okay."

-Timeskip brought to you by Wylds red hair-

"So," I started, "what do you think?"

He didnt answer. He didnt have to. I already knew the place i brought him to was breathtakingly beautiful.

It was a meadow full of pretty little wild flowers with a pond and cute little baby ducks. Young J chased them around, hoping to pat one of them.

"Young J~~" I called.


"You know, theres a really easy way to have the ducks come to you. Everyone knows it."

"Well, I dont know it T_T"

"Cmere, let me teach you." I waved him over. I pulled out a bag of bread and handed a piece to him.

"Just hold this out. For some reason, birds go crazy over it."

Young J took the bread and waved it at the birds. Slowly but surely, the ducks approached him. His smiled gleamed, and he looked really happy. AND kissable.

"Thanks Daehyun. I haven't had this much fun in a while." He smiled at me.

"Uh, no problem. I wanted to go out with you sometimes anyway." I said.

"Wh- What? Go-Go out?!" Young J stuttered.

"Yep." I walked closer to him. And looked up at him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and looked into his eyes. Young J was redder then a rippened tomato.

"What- What are you doing Daehyun?" He stuttered out nervously.

"Something I've wanted to do for a while." I leaned towards his face and kissed him. It was a slow, gentle kiss on my part, and I closed my eyes. He wasn't responding, Young J was in complete shock.

When he started kissing me back, I moaned into his mouth. He paused, and I looked at him.

"You know what? I dont think the birds are going to be the only thing fed tonight." I smirked.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed! Make sure to vote❤❤
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