Minsung x Wyld

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"Hey! What's going on here?!"

Wyld snapped his head over to his bandmate, Minsoo. He was in an awkward situation; he was on top of Minsung. And from anyone else's view, this whole position looked pretty suggestive. How did they get in this position?

~~4 Hour time skip brought to you by Minsoo's skin~~

"Wyld! What are you doing? We have practice soon! Get dressed and get your butt out of bed!" Dongho said, shaking the life out of Jaewon. What did Jaewon do in response to this? Nothing. He kept sleeping. Tired of his behavior, Dongho sighed and left Jaewon to sleep.

"Okay guys, Jaewon isn't coming. He'll get enough punishment when he wakes up. He'll find us sooner or later." After leaving Jaewon's room, he grabbed the other members and left, leaving the poor, sleeping member by himself.

Jaewon woke with a start after he kicked his phone off his bed. He rolled over and grabbed his phone, sitting up groggily. Ruffling up his hair, he checked the time on his phone. The time was 10:00 AM. He jumped up onto his feet, eyes wide open. His practice was supposed to be at 8:00 AM! He ran to his closet and grabbed a plain white shirt and dark jeans, grabbed his hoodie off a chair in his room, car keys, and ran out the door. He started the engine and took off.

Its been an hour since Jaewon left the apartment, and he is still nowhere near where he was supposed to be. Practice ends at 12:00, but the traffic was so heavy he hasn't moved past more than 20 minutes since the house. Groaning, he pulled into the closest fast food place he could get to, which was Starbucks.

He got out of his car, walking to the front door.  He opened it and made his way to the register, making eye contact with a familiar face. 

"Minsung?!" Jaewon said, looking over to the blue-haired boy across the cafe.

Minsung looked over, pulling down his facemask. "Wyld? You got stuck in the traffic too?" He questioned. 

Jaewon laughed a bit. "Yea, it's pretty bad huh? I think that everyone else left me when they went to practice... How could they do that? Did they forget about me? T_T"

"I would forget about you, your kind of annoying sometimes. You probably overslept and didn't wake up. I would leave your ass too." Minsung smirked.

Jaewon, obviously slightly offended by the comment, ordered his drink. He stood by the counter and drank his frape.  Minsung got up and threw his trash away, walking up to Wyld.

"Well, this has been a wonderful friendly encounter. I'll be leaving now, hopefully traffic cleared up a little bit. Are you gonna head out soon?" Minsung asked.

"Yea, I think so. See you later." Jaewon waved to Minsung. Minsung turned around and walked away. When Jaewon threw his trash away and walked towards the door with Minsung, he got shoved. Right into Minsung.

Jaewon looked down onto the man he fell on, clearly flustered. He could see everything perfectly; his collarbone, his clear skin, his plump lips. Jaewon didn't think he was gay but damn. He was thinking about it. Seems like Minsung was checking him out too.

"Hey! What's going on here!?"

Jaewon, after hearing the familiar voice of his fellow bandmate Minsoo, jumped right up off of the man he landed on. "Oh! Minsoo! This is not what it looks like!" Jaewon, stumbling over his words, defended.

"Really? Because it looks like you were totally checking me out." Snarked Minsung, smirking.

"What? Shut up! I don't even like you as a person, Minsung!"

"That's not what it looked like."

"Guys! I asked a question! Why are you even here together in the first place? You had practice to be at, Jaewon! We expected you to meet us there!" Minsoo argued.

"Well, since SOMEBODY left me sleeping, I was stuck in traffic! It was agonizing! Its like 30000 degrees outside!" Jaewon yelled back.

"Guys! Priorities! Jaewon was ON TOP of Minsung a minute ago! Hello!" Daehyun interrupted.

"Actually... I bumped into him. It wasn't his fault. We should all calm down. Your all hurting my ears." Dongho sighed out.

Everyone looked at each other and laughed. This would be a funny story to tell at a fan signing.

Hey guys! Sorry for never posting or updating. School ended and a lot happened over the summer. School started back up and im settled and back in the game! Ill only update this if i get a request. You can request anything, im pretty open. Be sure to contact me!  Enjoy! Dont forget to vote.

(Requested by @SadafNaureen )

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2019 ⏰

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