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Me and my best friend Cali look at the sunset,"It look amazing! I mostly imagined this moment with Jason, but at least I'm with my bestie" she smiled.

I looked at my phone,"My mom's making pizza, lets go" I said pulling her arm up. "I love pizza!" she jumped up. We ran down the hill of trees,"Cant catch me!" She giggled running with her shoulder length hair following behind.

I meant to tag her but I pushed too hard, she fell tumbling down the hill. "Cali!" yelled for her, rolling down is dangerous, there's poky things, rocks and broken twigs here!

I ran as fast as I could, not tripping over anything. When I reached the bottom of the hill, there lied Cali's body. "Cali, get up, please!" I begged shaking her. "HELP SOMEBODY PLEASE! SHES DEAD!" I yelled out. Then I just happen to see Cali's mom,"Mrs.Amy please help me!" I cried so much.

She ran over and saw her daughter's dead body. "What happened?" she started to cry. "We were running, and I tagged her, I pushed too hard. And she fell." I said. She picked up Cali and rushed her somewhere, I ran and followed behind. She put Cali in the back of her car. "Want me to come along?" I asked Mrs. Amy. "Haven't you done enough?" she said and shot daggers at me. I backed away from the car and watched her drive off.


Yesterday, Cali was pronounced dead, and I am now a new member of the Safe Heaven Mental Institution. "Mom, please come back quick, I'll never make it in here" I begged. "It's for the best, you have other problems with you besides the killing. You have to get well" she patted my shoulder.

"But mom, please" I begged once more. "I love you baby" she kissed my cheek and walked away. I tried to run after her, but guards held be back. I cried uncontrollably. I fought the guards, punching, kicking, biting them. It was no use, I was injected with some needle and everything went dark.

I opened my eyes, I was on a soft padded floor. What was my mom thinking, my problems aren't that bad, I've only attempted suicide about 6 times, and I get weird images of my dad hurting me, or now how my mind would play Cali's death.

I heard a noise,"Wh-who's there?" I asked. "Who are you" it sounded like a boy. I've never been near boys, they always avoid me. "M-my name is Nay." I shyly said.

The lights turned on, there sat a boy with long hair, his outfit was like mine but was a big T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. I was to put on a weird and ugly dress. "Are you a girl?" he asked. "Yes, I just have a boy haircut" shook the hair from my face.

"You're really pretty" he smiled.

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