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It was a beautiful summer afternoon at Disneyland. A young woman smiled as a slight breeze tickled her face. She closed her eyes in nostalgia as she remembered all of her adventures and memories of her childhood idols.

"Kilala, are you ready?"

Kilala turned and smiled at her husband, Rei. He was waiting for her with a group full of young children behind him. Kilala was excited because this was a special trip privately booked for the couple and for the young orphan children. The children lost so much during the coup in Paradiso, and she hoped this trip would create good memories for them.

"Yes! Let's go!" She cheered as she and her husband walked side by side leading the group of young children through Main Street, Disneyland.

The young royal couple led the group through the opening of Sleeping Beauty's Castle into Fantasyland. King Arthurs Carousel was playing a melody of Disney songs filling the area with its music. The group was greeted by an array of Disney characters. Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse Donald Duck, Goofy, and the Disney Princesses.

The group of children cheered as they ran to greet the characters. Kilala couldn't help but introduce herself to the Disney Princesses, she is still a huge fan.

While the children were busy introducing themselves and asking for the character's autographs, one child stayed behind from the group.

A young dark-haired girl twisted her hair as she watched the group smile and interact with the Disney characters. She gripped her autograph book, dejected that her favorite Disney characters were not present with the others.

"Hello, little apple."

A shadow overcast the girl's small figure. She turned around and saw the Evil Queen smiling at her. Behind the Evil Queen were the other Disney Villain's; Jafar, Cruella Da Vil, Gaston, Captian Hook, and more.

"Hello!" The young girl greeted with enthusiasm and bowed to the queen.

"What are doing here all by yourself? Waiting for someone?" The Evil Queen asked.

"I was waiting for all of you."

"For us?" The dark-haired girl nodded at the Evil Queen.

"Did you hear that everyone? She was waiting for us." The Evil Queen and Villians behind her laughed and snickered in an evil tone, but that didn't scare the girl.

"Well, little apple since you waited so patiently for our arrival, would you like to join us, villains?" She held her hand out to the girl.

The girl smiled and grabbed the Evil Queens hand as they walked towards the rest of the characters, who were shocked by the villain's arrival.

"Now tell me," the Evil Queen asked the girl "What do you think of Snow White?"

The young dark-haired girl enjoyed being in the company of the Disney Villians. Throughout the day, the girl would help the villains scare the other children of the group and the Disney Princesses. Kilala was uneased being spooked by the villainous characters but nonetheless smiled after seeing the dark-haired girl laugh happily.

In exchange, the girl would get the villains autographs or they would buy her a treat. The Evil Queen, gave the girl a candy apple, telling her that it was not poison, but red apples are the best apples in the world.

A few hours later, Kilala and the group returned back to Fanstayland for some ice cream before the parade starts. The dark-haired girl was finishing her candy apple when she saw the Evil Queen again. Tossing her finished treat in the trash, she started following the Evil Queen so that she can thank her for the wonderful time.

The girl ran back to the Carousel that was still playing music, but she lost sight of the Evil Queen. She saw movement in the corner of her eye and saw a cape swiftly turn at the entrance to Sleeping Beauty's Castle. She ran towards the entrance, but the Evil Queen was not there.

She was disappointed that she missed the Evil Queen, but was intrigued by this attraction. As walked up the stairs, she looked through the small windows that depicted scenes from 'Sleeping Beauty.' The music from the film echoed through the dark passageways.

Walking downstairs, she stopped to admire the scene where Maleficent transformed into a dragon and breathed green fire into the forest of thorns. The sound of thunder and Maleficent's evil laughter echoed as the young girl tried to imitate the villain's evil laughter.


My dearly beloved...

The girl stopped laughing when she heard that voice. She didn't recognize the voice and wondered if someone else was here in the castle.

A beautiful flower of evil...

She looked left and right of the dark passageways, but didn't see anyone. She ran back up the steps trying to find where the voice was coming from.

Truly, you are the most beautiful of them all...

A green glow flashed at one of the wooden doorways and the door creak open slowly. Thinking that this was part of the attraction, she steps inside the doorway which led to another stairway.

The stairway reminded the girl of the scene where Sleeping Beauty slowly followed the green glow before she pricked her finger on the spinning wheel. She wanted to turn back but, she figured that this stairway would lead her to the top of the castle, so she started climbing.

When the girl reached the top of the stairs, she turned the doorknob and opened the door. Inside the room was a dark chamber, the only thing inside was a floating dark mirror that stood in the center.

Mirror, mirror on the wall...

The girl screamed when the voice returned and echoed within the room.

Who is the...

The mirror flashed with green flames. Then the green flames dissolved and showed an image of a dark castle.

The girl stepped forward slowly, to get a closer look in the mirror. The image showed that it was nighttime, and the moon illuminated a dark castle. The girl heard the sound of horse hooves and saw a black carriage heading towards the castle. Before she can look closer, the green flames appeared again, making the girl step back.

Those who are guided by the Dark Mirror...

As long as your hearts desires,

Take the hand that appears in the mirror.

The green flames disappeared and a hand emerged reaching out towards the girl. The girl didn't know why but at that moment she felt that she should grab that hand. Walking towards the mirror, she lifts her hand out and touched it.


"...Don't touch anything!"

She turned towards the entrance when she heard Princess Kilala calling. She felt something grabbed her hand. She turned back seeing her hand intertwined by the other in the mirror.

Welcome home...princess.

Kiera (Twisted) PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now