Becky and Michael.

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I woke up to Dean and Sam. "So what are we going to do?" Sam asked Dean. I groaned showing them I was up. "Where'd Castiel go? He was here when I fall asleep." I asked looking at Dean. "He said he had to go talk to Chuck and that's where we are going." Dean said looking over at me and then Sam. "What do you think pulled us out of the church?" I asked. "Cas probably." Dean said shrugging. We pull up to Chuck's house. We knocked and no one answered. I turn the door handle and it opens we walk in and see blood everywhere. "Chuck?" I yelled out. I saw him walk in to the living room. He looked over to me with a sad face. "What happened here and where's Cas?" Dean asked looking around the room. "Uh, Castiel died." He answered looking down. My heart dropped. "What do you mean Castiel died?" I asked getting angry. "Calm down." Sam said next to me. "Archangel was mad he was here." Chuck said. I started getting tears in my eyes. "You told me to trust you! You told me you knew what was going to happen!" I yelled looking at Chuck while Dean and Sam looked confused. "What now prophet?" I asked dangerously. I saw chuck flinch and same with my brothers. "I-i-i d-d-on't k-kn-ow." Chuck stuttered. We leave. I couldn't stay there much longer. We go to a motel and I stay in the bed all day and night. Dean and Sam try to talk to me all day but I don't talk.

Almost midnight there was a knock on the motel door. Sam got up and grabbed his gun and went to open the door. A female was standing there gawking at Sam. "Sam?" She asked. "Uh yeah?" Sam asked, She started touching his chest and I died laughing. Sam glared at me. "Who are you?" "Becky Rosen. Chuck sent me since he is being watched by Angels." Becky said smiling still touching Sam's chest. "Come in." He said. She walked in and looked at Dean. "I thought better of you." She mumbled when she past him. Dean looked lost. I'm still laughing when she looked over to me. "Who are you?" She asked looking at me. Forgot he didn't put my in the stories. "Look closely at my face and then Dean's." I said standing up next to him. She looked for a few seconds. "Y'all are twins?" She asked confused. "Yeah, but Chuck didn't want me in the stories. I thank him for it too." I said looking at the fan girl. The girl is still holding on to Sam. I laugh and he is getting annoyed by the girl and removes her hand from his chest. She goes on explaining something about Michael's lost sword and giving a clue of the location. After she told us everything she left.

Dean and Sam are trying to figure out what she meant and I'm just laying in bed. I still didn't fell like moving. I hear someone knock on the door I look over at my brothers and Dean answers without his gun and its Bobby. I walk over to him and hug him and he hugs me back. He looks over to Sam. "After all this mess is over with lose my number and never call me again." Sam nodded and mumbled that he understood. I was shocked by it. I never thought Bobby would be the one to say something like that. All of a sudden Dean said he figured it out and not even a few minutes after he said that Meg and her demon dudes where here. Bobby's eyes go all black and he attack the boys while I go after Meg. One demon comes at me and I kill him and then I'm thrown into the wall. "You've got to be kidding me." I groaned. I look up to see Meg gone and Bobby had stabbed himself. Dean and Sam grabbed him and told me to get to the car and help them. I did as told and went to the car and held to door open as they put Bobby in the back and we got in the car and drove to the hospital. We got there and said he was stabbed. After they took him we left to go to the warehouse where the lost sword was.

When we got there a few demons were on the ground dead. When we walked in we see Zachariah. "Hello Dean." He said. I made a growling noise at him. "I knew you all would show up." Zachariah said looking at all of us. "You see I put this little information in Chuck's vision So I could get you here Dean." He added. "Why's that?" I asked through greeted teeth. "Because Micheal's sword isn't really a sword. It's a vessel." He said looking over at Dean. I looked over at Dean to see if he has already figured out what was going on. "Are you saying its Dean?" Sam asked. "That's exactly what I am saying." Zachariah said. "No, I wont do it." Dean said mad. Sam get thrown back and blood starts coming from his mouth. "Sam!" I yelled running over to him but before I could i was grabbed and was held there. "Stop it!" I yelled. "You are killing him!" I added. "Dean, I will kill them and Bobby. Say yes." Zachariah said. I started coughing up blooded. "Don't Dean." I hear Sam. Dean looked over at Sam and me. I covered my mouth as more blood came out. "Zachariah stop." I heard a voice come from behind me. I turned to see Castiel. I look back over to Zachariah and see that he looks scared. "How are you a live?" Zachariah asked Castiel. "God. Now leave." Castiel said and with that Zachariah and the angel that was holding me left and I wasn't coughing up blooded anymore. Dean ran over to Sam and I. "Are you two okay?" He asked. I nodded and Sam mumbled a yeah. I look over at Cas. "So God saved you." I said walking over to him. "Yes and you as well." He said looking at me. "What do you mean by me?" I asked confused. "He put you, Dean, and Sam on the plane." He said looking over at the brothers.

We go back to the hospital to check on Bobby. He is paralyzed from the waist down. I feel bad for him. "Angel boy get over here and fix me." Bobby said to Castiel. "I can not. I don't have the power too." Castiel said looking down. "What do you mean you don't have the power too." Dean asked. "I have lost some of Heaven's powers." Castiel said. "You mean to tell me, I'm stuck in this because you don't have angel juice?" Bobby asked. "I'm afraid so." Castiel said. Bobby told us to leave because he didn't want us to see him like that. We are walking out to the car when I randomly grabbed Castiel's hand. I saw from the coroner of my eye he looked down at our hands confused.

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