Chapter Seven

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It had gotten late and so Hoseok naturally wanted to go back home. He walked in front of me and held out his hand towards me. I sympathetically looked down at a sleeping Taehyung in my lap and to that Hoseok sighed. He knelt down slowly shaking Tae to wake up.

"Hey, we have to go it is getting late and I need (y/n) since she lives with me." Hoseok's voice was direct and to the point. Tae got off my lap and this time when Hoseok let out his hand I took it and got off the couch. He smiled sweetly at me and I had smiled back. Before we had left I was bombarded by hugs. Jin came up to me and kissed my cheek and his face right next to my ear so Hoseok couldn't hear him.

"Please take care of him. He needs you more than you know." He smiled and left. I could feel the body next to me heat up as soon as we left. I would be lying if I didn't say that I was terrified of what would happen to me if I spoke. So I followed him to the all too familiar black SUV. The car ride was silent but this time I couldn't pull my eyes off of him. His hands tightened on the steering wheel and I could see that some of the leather had started to melt. His eyes were glaring at the road but I know he knew that I was looking at him. The tension in the car at the time was very high that it actually scared me. I knew I had to do something because Jin told me to. I had to take care of him and this was one of those situations that he needed help. He stopped at a red light and that is when I made my move. I slowly placed my hand on top of his only for him to nap his head in my direction and the look on his face was angry. This sudden movement startled me and made me retract my hand and cover my face with my wings. Once we started driving again I peeked over the top of my wing to see that his eyes were filled with another emotion and this emotion made his eyes teary. I removed my wing completely from my face and looked at him once more. Small tears fell down his face and I couldn't help myself but wipe them away. My small hand caressed his cheek where the tears had fallen and I could feel his head lean into my hand. I felt butterflies in my stomach when he did that. I smiled slightly and removed my hand. My hand rested on my lap as I looked out the front window and soon after I felt a comfortably warm hand rest on top of mine. I looked down at it and then looked at him.

"(Y/N) I'm sorry I was mad. I don't mean to scare you. I'm sorry if I had hurt you and I am sorry for kidnapping you. Please forgive me." I could hear the sincerity in his voice as he said each apology. I smiled and turned my hand around so I holding his gently squeezing it.

"I forgive you. But if I am to live with you I think you should probably know more about me and I should know more about you. Don't you think?" He slowly nodded at my words and squeezed my hand back.

"We can talk about this all at home alright." He looked over and smiled at me. I nodded smiling back at him.

We arrived at the house about 10 minutes later. He got out of the car and I followed him to the door as he unlocked it. Hoseok unlocked the door and we both took off our shoes when we got in. I went into the Living room and sat on the couch while Hoseok sat on the other side. We both looked at each other for a moment until I spoke up.

"Alright Hoseok, You go first." He nodded in response and looked down while taking a deep breath.

"Ok, so, when I was little I found out that I could manipulate fire after I was playing around a fireplace and accidentally fell into it. After that, I would make little shows for my parents to show off my skills. They thought it was the coolest thing since sliced bread when I was younger. But when I got older they didn't care too much. I had a brother and he got all the attention in the family. They used to always compare me to him and say things like 'why can't you be more like your brother' and 'Your brother is normal you are just a freak'. It had hurt me so much that I often tried to compete to be like my brother. But I never was able to do so. In school, it wasn't much easier. I loved to dance but one day I couldn't control my emotions in the studio and set it on fire. No one was hurt other than me that day. From that day on even my peers started to make fun of what my parents used to call a 'gift'. Every day and night I was made fun of and compared to my brother. Well, I became so angry that one day I set my brother on fire and dragged his body out to show my parents. They became so scared of me that they tried to call the police but I killed them because I didn't want to go to jail. From that day on I became an outlaw. I killed people because I thought it was fun. I started to kill the people that had hurt me in school and bully me. Well, one day I was walking down the street on my way to another bullies house when I ran into a lady. SHe was rather old looking but there was a beauty in her age. It was very uncomfortable as it seemed she looked right through me. She shook her head on me and told me that my heart was black as coal and then proceeded to put her hand over my heart. She said a few words then removed her hand from its place and stared at me as I clutched my heart in pain." He sighed and finally looked up at me. There was a sad look on his face but I knew he wasn't done so I allowed him to continue. "The woman had put a curse on me. Her curse was a love curse. I stated that the more that I used my 'gift' as a weapon to kill others the more the ice would wrap around my heart and even expand until I became completely frozen. The only cure is that I have to truly love someone and they have to love me back." His voice was sad as he talked about his past and I felt hurt to know that he actually had no family and even if he did kill them I still felt sorry for him. I crawled over to him and hugged him tightly arms wrapping around his waist and my head resting in his chest. He was startled by my action but soon hugged me back.

"Ok (Y/N)... It is your turn."

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