Chapter 2

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"Hey! Who's that?" Jungkook unsteadily pointed toward Jen. "She's cute".

Jen chuckled nervously, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

Jimin shoots a disapproving glare at Jungkook, although he didn't see because he was too busy using taehyung for support.

Taehyung gave jungkook a pat on the back, "Sorry bud she's with Joonie."

Namjoon shook his head slightly, almost cringing. "Not exactly." He whispered.

Everyone gave namjoon a blank stare. Yes, the whole group except for one. Jen. She looked at the ground and realized what she was to him. She was suddenly very ashamed of what had occurred just a few minutes ago. How could she just let a guy use her like that? She had started to fall for namjoon, she didn't want him to just be her dessert on the side. Before anybody glanced in her direction she decided it was best if she just pretended that she felt the same.

Suddenly the group looked toward Jen. She gave them all a small smile but it was more in the direction of her best friend jimin because she knew that if anyone he would understand.

Jimin pursed his lips, "Hey, dickface." He called out as he turned his head towards namjoon. "I'd appreciate if you stayed the FUCK away from my best friend. She doesn't need your pathetic ass. I'm sorry that you're not mature enough to understand that humans have feelings and they aren't toys that you can play with whenever the fuck you want. So if I see you even TRY to look in her direction I promise you that I will cut your dick off the next time you try to take a piss."

"Well shit." Yoongi blurted out in surprise.

Namjoon scratched his head nervously and let out a petty chuckle. Before he could respond to jimin, "Nah, jimin don't worry. I feel the same as namjoon", Jen said whilst shrugging her shoulders.

"So... she's single?" Jungkook blurted out, widening his eyes hopefully before leaning onto taehyung's shoulder sleepily.

"Poor guy" taehyung muttered as he picked up his buddy bridal style. "I better get him to bed."

Jungkook woke up in shock and screamed, "NO, I'M AWAKE, I'M AWAKE. PUT. ME. DOWN" as he kicked his legs wildly. The group stared at Taehyung anxiously, waiting for what was to come. The man slowly put down Jungkook, but as soon as he let go, Jungkook slid down onto the floor. The group of boys headed towards Jungkook so they could lift him together all the way up to his bedroom on the 5th floor. Once they all got a grip on one of the boys limbs he woke up again and cried, "but I need the cute girl's number." The boy was to cute, the group of boys couldn't help but stare in awe at their bunny friend.

The boys let go of jungkook and taehyung bent down to look at Jungkook, "I'll tell you what, this pretty girl will write down her number and we'll bring we and the number up to your bed so you can start on the road to recovery."

Jungkook replied with a very long, "You promiseeee?"

Jen sat on the counter giggling at the cute mess of a boy melted on the ground. The group looked to her for an answer, and instead of saying anything to them, she slid off the counter and bent down to Jungkook to respond with an extremely elongated, "I promiseeeee" as she handed the slip of paper to the trusty Taehyung.

Satisfied with her equally cute response, Jungkook fell asleep and the boys proceeded to carry him up the so many flights of stairs and into his cozy bed.

May 28, 3:00 am
After tucking Jungkook into bed, the group of boys went back downstairs to reunite with Jen.

"Where is everybody?" Yoongi asked, scratching his head in confusion.

Jen was laying on the massive couch drinking some banana milk while half sleeping.

"Oh man, you guys took so long. I screamed really loud for everyone to get out because I wanted to lay down", She answered while pouting.

The boys stared at her blankly.
"Oh poor baby" Jimin said mockingly as he poked her stomach repeatedly.

Jen managed to get out a "S..sto..stop..j.j.JIMIN" as she laughed so hard that she fell of the couch.

The boys gasped. Namjoon had walked away to kitchen to make some nachos. The rest of the boys followed.

Jimin immediately bent down to check on his friend.
"You okay there cutie?" He asked while examining her face.

"I'm fine, but there is one thing. And that thing is that I'm soooo unbelievably tired so take me home please jiminey~?"

"Fine, needy pants" Jimin chuckled while pulling hens arm to get her up. "But I have a thing too. And that thing is that you're wearing the shirt of a massive and I mean humONGOUS dick face."

Jen looked down at the soft shirt threw as way too big for her. "I need to know that not everything about him is bad. This shirt is probably the best memory I could have of him. I want it", she whispered to her best friend while trying not to cry.

Jimin glared at namjoon. He kissed Jen on the forehead and said, "you'll be okay. You've made some bad mistakes, but I'm here to get you through it. Plus, that lil bunny sure seems interested in you."

Jen gave him a small smile, "Thank you Jimin, and that boy was just extremely drunk, he'll be over me by sunrise."

Jimin pulled Jen in for a hug,
"I know you need this."

"How could I be so lucky to have such a great best friend?" Jen questioned, wiping her tear on Jimins shoulder.

May 28, 3:50 am

And so, that left Yoongi, Namjoon, Jin, and Taehyung. They were all sitting in the kitchen eating whatever they could find.

Yoongi looked over at Namjoon, "Hey, so um, don't you like feel bad for being a dick to Jen?"

Namjoon finished chewing the chips in his mouth,   "I wasn't a dick bro, come on, she feels the same."

Yoongi scoffed,"whatever you say dude, just don't regret it later. I feel really bad, she seems like a nice gal."

"She is a nice girl" Jin replied, taking a few shots of vodka.

"Well, she'll be fine, hopefully, I think my bunny wants a chance with her. What could go wrong?" Taehyung claimed, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, what could go wrong?" Jin muttered.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2019 ⏰

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