Chapter Five

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"I have everything you're going to need for the next few hours" Mike says walking back into the room "I have fluids to hydrate you" he says before putting an I.V into my arm "Is it alright if I ask you a few things?" he asks "You can ask but don't be surprised if I don't answer" I answer truthfully "These questions are to help me which is to really help you" he says throwing away all the trash,

"What is your name?" he asks 

"Genevieve Spencer" 

"Date of birth?"

"June 2nd, 2001" 

"How is this supposed to help you?" I ask "We have access to all records so I'm having someone pull yours up so I know which medications to give you" he says and I nod, "Okay everything is good for right need all the rest you can get, so I'll be back in a little bit to check on you" he says with a gentle smile and I nod once again,

He left the room and almost immediately I had fallen asleep.

                      *Mike's P.O.V* 

I walked...well sprinted to Carter's office to tell him the information, "Come in" he says after I knock on the door

"I think I got enough information out of her" I say trying to catch my breath "Did you run here?" he asks putting the piece of paper that he was holding down onto the desk "Yeah because it's kind of important for me to know her medical history" I say walking into the room before closing the door behind me.

"What's her name?" he asks moving closer to his computer "Genevieve Spencer" I say walking over to sit in the chair that's front of his desk "Date of birth?" he asks "June 2nd, 2001" I say and his eyes widen "She's seventeen?" he raises his voice a bit "Yep" I sigh out "I might have to kick Zeke's ass for bringing a minor back to the compound" he says shaking his head,

"I think I got it" he says "Can you look at her medical records for me just to see if she's allergic to anything?" I ask and he nods "She doesn't have any allergies to medication" he says still looking at the screen "Is she on anything?" I ask and he shakes his head 'no', 

"She hasn't seen a doctor in...two years" 

How can someone not go to a doctor for two years? 

"Alright" I say leaning back thinking about what my next move is to help her "What's wrong?" he asks, "I think she needs a blood transfusion...she's so malnourished that her red blood cell count is really low" I say rubbing my forehead 

God this is giving me a headache  

"Can you explain everything to me before you make the report?" he asks and I nod 

"As I said earlier that I think she's a victim of child abuse, she told me that her foster parents were never home so they left her to pay for all the bills. She is quite dehydrated so I gave her some fluids through her I.V.   Also her heart is weak because of the malnutrition which caused her red blood cell count to be really low and...I'm afraid that is we don't get her blood within the next week she might not make it" I say and he sighs before muttering something then looks at his computer once again.

"Her blood type is...B-positive" he says "How are we supposed to get blood, we aren't a hospital and it's barely legal for me to do what I do for a living...there's no way I can get the hospital to give me a few bags of B-positive blood" I say growing angry at the situation at hand "Let me worry about that" he says walking over to one of the shelves picking up a folder before sitting back at his desk "Carter what are you going to do?" I ask "Don't worry about that right now just think about what you're going to do next after the transfusion" he says typing away on the keyboard.

I shake my head before walking back to Genevieve's room and sitting in the chair closest to her bed with a clipboard in my lap to keep track of her heart rate every thirty-minutes

This is going to be a long night...

At around one a.m my eyes started to feel heavy and it was starting to become difficult to keep them open, "Mike" I feel someones' hand on my shoulder gently shaking me awake making me look up to see Carter with files in his other hand.

"Go get some sleep" he says and I shake my head "I need to keep an eye on her heart rate" I say sitting up a little straighter "I'll do're the only one with medical training and we don't need you passing out from exhaustion" he says and I sigh because he's right that's the last thing we need right now, 

"Okay...if it gets lower than sixty, come get me immediately" I say handing him the clipboard and he nods "Alright...Night Mike" he says as walk away "Night Carter" I mumble before walking much like a zombie to my room.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2020 ⏰

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