The Final Showdown

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-After what seemed to be an eternity, they all approach the end of another hallway, revealing a door-

Wydonna: Just behind this door lies your snow white princess

Pocky: Finally!

Nash: Woo!

Winterz: Go Kyle!

Ziizaa: Wake her up with that kiss!

-Kyle blushes as they slam the door open to see Apple inside a glass coffin, cut up and in bruises-

Kyle: What has she done to you...?

-Meanwhile with Apple-

Apple Duplicate: It's all over –she takes a hold of Apple by the neck as she pulls out a knife, ready to end her-

Apple: No...

-Apple manages to knock out the knife from her duplicate's hand. In fury, the duplicate begins to tackle Apple to the ground-

Apple Duplicate: Give up already, princess

Apple: As long as I have hope, I will never give up!

-Apple tumbles on top of her duplicate and slams the duplicate's head against the hard floor as she quickly raises to her feet, backing away. -

Kyle: APPLE!!

-She turns to see Kyle running from afar-

Apple: I'd knew you'd come for me, Kyle... -she falls back onto the ground-

-Meanwhile back in reality-

Kyle: APPLE!!

-Kyle begins to run up to her coffin but then gets slammed against the wall behind him by an unknown force, hitting one of the pipes from the building on the side of his head. They all turn back to see Wydonna fade into Casta. -

Nash: How could we have been so blind?! She lead us here personally so she can take us all out at once!

-Winterz notices Casta's hand lighting up with her sorcery. She quickly jumps in front of Nash, pushing him out of the way-

Winterz: Nash look out!

-Winterz pulls out her wand and tries to strike Casta down with a magical beam. Casta quickly notices Winterz plan and was able to counter her attack, sending it right back to her. In silent pain from her own beam, Winterz falls onto the ground, unconscious. -

Pocky and Ziizaa: Winterz!

-Ziizaa takes out her mallet as Pocky clenches her fists, both charging up to Casta. Pocky jabs her fist but Casta dodges as she lands a hard blow to Pocky's stomach. Knocking the air out of her, Casta grabs a hold of Pocky's neck, throwing her body across the room to hit Ziizaa as the both fell on the ground, unable to move. Nash dashes behind Casta, taking a hold of her as he tried to stop her-

Casta: Get your filthy hands off me you mutt!

-Casta jabs her elbow into Nash's side, causing him to loosen his grip. She then tries to throw a counter punch but Nash was quickly able to block it. Reaching for the side of his coat, he pulls out a small knife and tries to stab Casta, but backfires miserably as Casta knocks the knife out of his hand and uses a beam of electricity to knock him out. -

-Kyle gets up, taking a look around him to see what Casta had done with his new friends. Filled with anger he wipes the blood from his mouth, taking a few steps forward. -

Casta: Whats the matter? Did I anger you?

-Kyle remained silent, staring at her dead cold in the eyes. -

Echoes of Nobody: The Point of No Return (An Ever After High Crossover Story)Where stories live. Discover now