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Kyle is sound asleep but Daring turns on his speaker and begins to play loud music that ends up scaring Kyle awake-

Kyle: Gah!! What the? -He turns to see Daring admiring himself in his mirror while he was going though Kyle's clothes-

Kyle: Daring? What are you doing? It's 7 in the morning...can't you tell I'm trying to sleep...?

Daring: Good morning roomie, don't mind me, I'm just doing my morning routine

Kyle: Can you at least put some headphones on so I can sleep?

Daring: But then my movements would be limited.

Kyle: Then shut it off man! I'm trying to sleep!

-Kyle gets frustrated, he starts to rub his face and notices that Daring's blonde hair was sticking out of his green ear flap hat and how unimpressed he was wearing his orange coat-

Daring: How do I look?

Kyle: Daring why do you have my clothes on?

Daring: To see if I really do look good on all types of clothes. And I say even I can pull off this raggedy look better than you can.

Kyle: Ugghhh...- he falls back on the bed-

Daring: Hey Kyle?

Kyle: -Covering his head with his pillow, trying to ignore him-

Daring: Hey Ky? Kyyyyy?

-Kyle buries his head deeper in his pillow-

Daring: HEY KY! HEY KY!! KY!!!!!

-Rises from his pillow in anger with his eyes glowing in fury-

Kyle: What the hell do you want Daring?!!

Daring: What is this tiny little box that I found in your jacket pocket?

-Kyle jumps out of bed and snatches the box from Daring-

Kyle: That is none of your business!

Daring: Okay then?

-It remains awkwardly silent for a moment until Daring breaks the silence-

Daring: I'm hungry, what's for breakfast roomie?

-Kyle's eye twitches in anger-

Kyle: -thinking- Why him? Out of all people it had to be him......

-There was a knock at the door-

Daring: Hey Ky can you get the door?

-Kyle gives him a glare and then rises up to answer the door to see Apple-

Kyle: Apple? What are you doing here so early?

Apple: I thought maybe we can have a breakfast date? I couldn't sleep last night and I got hungry so...here I am...!

Kyle: That sounds perfect, anything to get away from here!

Daring: -cuts in- What sounds perfect?

Kyle: Aww sh*t...

-Daring notices Apple-

Daring: Hello Apple, fancy seeing you here

Apple: Hello Daring, I just came to visit my boyfriend and I'd thought I'd ask if he'd like to go with me to grab some breakfast

Daring: Breakfast? Oh, thank heavens I'm starving, I'll grab my crown and we can go

-Kyle and Apple looked at each other-

Kyle: I'm going to tell him no

Apple: Kyle, I know you don't like it either... but he is your roommate. Come on now, go get your things so the three of us can get going

Kyle: How can things get any worse...?


-Kyle and Apple are seen at the café while Daring is having a buffet and a waiter brings the check-

Waiter: Your check sir,

-Kyle and Apple pick it up to see the huge expensive bill and start to panic-

Kyle: I don't suppose you brought any extra money with you

Apple: I'm afraid not... I didn't think he was going to eat this much!

Daring: Oh boy, that was sure good. I'll see you back at the apartment roomie

-he leaves-

Kyle (explodes in anger): That's it!! Tonight! He's going to get what's coming to him!

Apple: Forget tonight...how are we going to pay for this now...?!

-A girl with hair as white as fleece walks upon the table and grabs the check from Kyle's hands-

Winterz: Excuse me!

-The waiter turns to see Winterz with their check-

Winterz: I'll take care of their bill -she starts to wave the check in her hand-

-Apple and Kyle are in shock. The girl turns back and gives a small smile, then prances back to her table back with the other group of misfits-

Apple: That was very sweet of her

Kyle: You're telling me, she must be rich as hell to be able to afford this

Apple: No kidding...

Kyle: Let's get out of here –takes Apple by the hand as Apple takes a last look at the misfits and nods her head saying thank you-

Apple: Where are we going?

Kyle: You'll see

Apple: Let me guess, the Enchanted forest?

Kyle: Nah, not this time

-They both arrive to the doors of their old school-

Apple: Why are we here at Merston High? We can get in serious trouble for trespassing

Kyle: It'll be alright, besides you got to learn to live a little. You can't go all your life living strictly by societies rules

Apple: I suppose so...

Kyle: But main reason why I brought you here is because, if it wasn't for that acceptance letter from here..., then I never would have met you

Apple: That was crazy how that all played out

Kyle: But I'm thankful that it did... -Kyle clenches his fist in his pocket, holding the small box in his grasp-

-Apple notices Kyle looking a little uneasy-

Apple: Hey Ky? Are you alright?

Kyle: -snaps out of it- Yes, I'm sorry...just a lot of memories, that's all –Kyle slides his hand out of his pocket and takes a hold of Apple- Let's go watch a movie at the multi-hex theater, I'm sure if we leave now, we can make it on time for the early bird showing

-Apple nods as she follows along-

Echoes of Nobody: The Point of No Return (An Ever After High Crossover Story)Where stories live. Discover now