Chapter Five

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I arrived at the hospital. The smell of disinfectant filled my nose, and I cringed. I hated the smell. It only reminded me of illness and death. The halls of the hospital were white, and the floors tiled gray. It was depressing. To me anyway. It seemed like years as Luke and I wandered the halls looking for my mother's room. The hall seemed to stretch, looking longer and longer by the second. Finally, Luke said, "Here, Jaden," as he opened a door labled '224'. A nurse stood by the bedside, blocking my view of my mother.

"Are you family?" The nurse asked.

"Yes," my father answered, stepping out from the dark corner of the shadows. "My son and daughter." I looked at Luke. We were no where near realted. He was too tall, eyes too blue, and he had an accent. One word and it would give it away. I gave him a 'you better play along look', and he did. I knew that my father said Luke was his son because, well because he is in a way. I've spent so much time with him, that he has been adopted into the family. And, my dad knew that it be best if I had Luke by my side through this.

I looked at my father. He hasn't been here long, but his tie has come loose from his neck, his shirt untucked, his hair a brown, fluffy mess, and his eyes had dark circles under them. It was a cause of stress and worry. And it only made me worry even more. I walked over to him, wrapping my arms around his torso. He hugged me back and kissed my head. "Hi, Daddy."

"Hello, Sweetheart," he said releasing me. He turned to Luke, who was now standing next to him, and hugged him as well.

Then I did what I was dreading most. I looked at my mom. She looked almost lifeless laying on that hospital bed. Her head had no hair, a cannula attached to her nose, and various machines and tubes connected at different places of her body. She was asleep, thank God, her chest rising and falling slowly. Too slowly.

"What happened?" I asked.

My dad sighed, "The cancer's spread to her heart and lungs. They have no idea how it happened, but she has another tumor near her heart."

"Wait a minute... so you're saying she has more than one type of cancer now?"

"Yes. And they are doing their best to keep her stable, but they don't know how long she has. I'm afraid she won't be going back home. Not anytime soon."

I didn't know what to say after that. My mom was dying. I mean, I knew she was before, but back then she could have been saved. But now... she can't be. I sat down in a chair, putting my head in my hands. Luke sat down next to me, rubbing my back to keep me comforted. The nurse called my dad out to discuss some paperwork. Today was the worst day ever. So far at least. I didn't know what to do, I didn't know what to say. So I did the only thing I could do at the moment: cry. I lifted my head up, tears falling down my cheeks at a constant pace. Luke wiped them away, tears filling his eyes now. I knew he loved my mom just as much as I did. All I did was rest my head on his shoulder, his arm wrapping around my waist.

My dad walked back in and I didn't even care if it looked like Luke and I were getting too comfortable. And when my dad saw, I don't think he cared either. He stood by my mother's bedside, pulling a chair behind him. He took my mom's hand in his, resting his head on the bed. It hurt to see him hurting. I couldn't look anymore, so I burried my face into Luke's soft, black shirt. The chair that we were seated on was a double chair. It made it really easy for him to turn me so that I was half way on his lap. And that is how he held me. I rested my head on his shoulder, my face nuzzling into the crook of his neck. At that moment, from the pain I was in, there was no other place I'd rather be. Even if Cameron and I were still together, I would have chosen Luke because, after all, he is the only one who truly understands me.

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