Chapter 1: Let's Go on a Ski Trip

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A/N: I was too lazy to make two or three fanfictions so here you have three ideas smashed together in one long ass story, you're welcome.
I should also probably mention that I reference my older UtaPri fan fictions in this story, so you might wanna give those a read before starting on this one.
And also mild language warning in later chapters.

Tomakomai ski resort, Japan. That was were you found yourself at the moment. A few days ago Shining had announced that all of you needed a well deserved break and had sent Starish, Quartet Night, Haruka, Tomochika and you on a ski resort trip, no objections were allowed so you just had to roll with it. In all honesty you liked to ski, it was fun, but very cold too, but you couldn't really complain, you did after all get one week off of work, and that meant no stressful managing of Quartet Night. Sure you still had to deal with everybody, but it would be fine. Or that's what you told yourself. You had in recent years learned that nothing was ever fine as long as you were with the Shining agency boys, why would this be any different?

Shining had made sure you all had a place to stay, so he had rented a large cabin for all of you to stay in. You would be sharing a room with Tomochika and Haruka, and honestly the thought of all of you living together sounded pretty nice. Some of the boys would cook, you could watch television and just generally have a nice time, maybe. At least you hoped and wished for that, it was a nice fantasy and a lovely image in your mind, peace and quiet, but with Ranmaru and Camus in the same house, yet alone the same room, that would be a challenge.
The trip to the ski resort had been long and Camus had been complaining the entire time, the only thing he seemed to be happy about was that you were going to a snowy place, and the ice cold count did like his snow. Masato had made sure that everybody knew that the cold weather was bad for his delicate skin and Tokiya had strongly agreed that the winter wind was not for him. Reiji had exclaimed that if anybody got sick he would cook for them, which seemed to calm Ranmaru down, right until Natsuki said he would help, which had terrified everybody else but Ren.

The cabin was made out of wood and the first room was an entrance, living room and kitchen in one. There was a giant fireplace at the backend of the wall and the furniture in the living room part looked soft and warm. There was a hallway right where the living room and kitchen separated which was filled with doors. Six rooms in total, which meant you were sharing the rooms two and two, except for Quartet Night and you an the other girls, but Shining had mentioned that there were four beds in each room, in case anybody wanted to shuffle around, but for some reason you had a bad feeling about what Shining had said.
As soon as you stepped into your room you dropped your bags on the wooden floor and threw your body at the bed furthest from the door.
"I claim this bed" you muttered from the covers and heard Tomochika and Haruka giggle in response.
The bed was soft and just what you needed after the long trip. The sun was already setting so you probably weren't gonna go ski before tomorrow, maybe some of the boys would go for some evening adventure, but you doubted it, you all seemed kinda tired already.
You listened as the girls started unpacking and peaked at them from your sorry state, for a moment you relished in how lucky you were to have friends like them in the midst of the chaos that was your job and coworkers.
You slowly sat up and let out a deep sigh. You had only just arrived, but you were already tired. It had been some tough weeks, so nobody could really blame you, but you were excited for some calm winter time with your friends.
"You guys want some hot chocolate?" You suddenly blurted out in a moment of true calmness and drowsiness as you looked to Tomochika and Haruka.
"Sure (Y/n), let's help you" Tomochika said as she took both you and Haruka by the hand and led you to the kitchen.
This was nice, you thought as you found three cups in one of the wooden cabinets. The boys were in the middle of unpacking and the living room was entirely quiet. A rare thing for Shining Agency.
"Listen to that girls" you said while Tomochika poured your hot chocolate and you took the warm cup in your hands, feeling the heat spreading from your cold fingertips to your palms.
"Listen to what?" Haruka asked clearly confused because there was nothing to hear.
"Exactly" you said, "there's no sound, no noise" you continued as you took in a deep breath.
You all stood in silence for a while, just enjoying the calm moment.
"Enjoy it while you can ladies, I have a bad feeling that it won't last long, and my bad feelings are usually true" you said as you once again breathed in and watched Haruka and Tomochika do the same, before you closed your eyes.
But it was true, things were never this calm with the boys in the same place as you, and ever since you left the Agency you had had an unsettling feeling in your stomach. The same feeling as when you went to IKEA all those years ago, and when you experienced that whole disco incident, hell even on Halloween you had had a bad feeling, and that day you got zapped into a television you had woken up with an unexplainable feeling in your entire body. But you especially remembered the night Heavens had been at the Shining Agency and that whole Wakahaka thing had happened. That entire night was still beyond you and you shivered at the mere thought. Every time something bad had happened you had had a bad feeling in your stomach, and much to your annoyance this time wasn't any different. In any moment now Camus and Ranmaru would burst into the room yelling at each other, or Masato would demand that he wanted to share his room with anybody else than Ren, or Natsuki would come running out chasing Syo for some weird or absurd reason. Any moment now the silence would be broken by one of the boys, and you couldn't help but wonder who, who would destroy your calm moment and ignite your anger?
As it turned out, it wasn't anybody you had thought it to be.
"Good, this is good" a well known voice said from the door, and you couldn't help but furrow your brows not even wanting to open your eyes. You only knew one person who said, 'good' like that.
Eiichi Otori from Heavens.
"What did I say" you said in a defeated tone as you looked to Tomochika and Haruka who both was staring wide eyed at the door. You followed their gaze and yes, there they were, the entirety of Heavens. Great.
Eiichi stood in the middle, his eyes invisible due to the light hitting his glasses just right, so all you saw was two white squares as he smiled widely at you and your friends. The rest of Heavens was situated behind him, all of them striking some weird or odd pose up the walls.
This was great, just great.
What in the world were they doing here?
Your question was soon to be answered as Tokiya walked into the room and said, "What in the world are you guys doing here?" Upon looking at Heavens and their fabulous entrance poses, which they still held.
"Before we answer that can someone please take a picture, we can't keep these poses all day" Yamato said with gritted teeth from his spot against the wooden wall, his arms were above his head and he had one leg raised from the ground, he looked like a flamingo to you.
This earned him nods from Van and Shion who was doing a three person pyramid with Nagi standing on top of them.
Tomochika quickly snapped a picture and the boys relaxed.
"We thought everybody would have been out here to see us, but apparently we were too early" Eiji explained as he rubbed his lower back. He had been bending backwards while Kira had held him in a low dip.
"Well you all did look very nice and all, but it doesn't answer the question, why are you here?" You asked as you looked at Eiichi with raised eyebrows.
"It's simple my dear (Y/n), Raging and Shining sent us here to have a fun time with all of you" Eiichi explained as he walked into the room.
"You know when you say, 'fun' and 'all of you' in the same sentence I can't help but feel that it will be anything else but fun" you said in an upgiving tone as you sat down on the couch with a deep sigh.
"Relax (Y/n) it's gonna be fun, what could go wrong?" Van asked as he sat down besides you and slung an arm around your shoulders.
You looked at him in annoyance and grunted, "everything can go wrong when you ask about it Van, and whenever all of you are gathered in one place everything just goes straight to hell in the matter of minutes"
Nobody got the chance to answer you as Masato stormed into the room, Ren slowly following him.
"I want another roommate!" He declared to you with an annoyed expression, but his face changed when he noticed Van, and then the rest of Heavens who waved slightly at the two newcomers.
Ren stopped in the door and looked at the scene, "I'll call the others" he just stated as he retreated into the hallway again.
Tokiya sighed deeply and Eiji smiled nervously at him, "sorry for the sudden disturbance" he said sheepishly.
"Don't mention it, I just wished Shining would prepare us for stuff like this" Tokiya admitted, you nodded furiously in agreement.
When you thought about it, it always came back to Shining. He was almost always the reason for your misfortune and frankly you were getting tired of it.
It didn't take long for the rest of the boys to gather in the living room, Ranmaru and Camus looked like they were about to kill each other, but as soon as they saw Heavens they looked like they could kill Shining.
"I can't believe Shining pulled another one of these stunts" Ai said with a deep sigh.
"Well it wasn't just Shining, Raging had a say in this as well" Shion stated and it earned him grunts of annoyance from the rest of you.
"Of course he had" Syo muttered under his breath.
"It would all be easier if they just told us what was going on from the start so we didn't have any unexpected surprises" Camus said and you nodded as you looked to Heavens.
"And don't get us wrong you guys, it's not that we don't like any of you, I'm thrilled that you're here, really, you are all way better than I had first imagined you to be, but the fact that Shining gives us these surprises, that's what we're all tired of" you said and you earned nods of agreement from Starish and Quartet Night as well as nods of understanding from Heavens.
"Also I like to be prepared for worst case scenarios, and adding you to the trip definitely changes my entire look at the trip" you swiftly added.
"Excuse you, what is that supposed to mean?" Nagi asked as he put his hands on his hips in annoyance.
"It means that you guys equals trouble and I like to be prepared for trouble, but now that you are here I say we get the best out of the trip, we all do deserve a break after all" you clarified and Van nudged you in your side when you called them trouble.
"That is eeeeeeexactly right miss (L/n)" a well known voice said and quickly after Shining appeared from a hidden door in the wall, but that wasn't all, on the other side of the room you heard a slow chuckle and as you turned around you saw Raging coming through another hidden door.
"I swear these men are gonna be the death of me" you mumbled at the sight of the two headmasters.
"Now that you have all arrived what you need is to have fun! Enjoy your time off and most importantly bond as idols and normal human beings!" Shining yelled out as he twirled in between you.
"Normal human beings?" Tokiya questioned, "Have you met any of us?" Ren finished.
"Our plan was to get all of you together on your time off so you could enjoy each other's company" Raging declared excitingly.
"Well that's great and all, but what was up with all the secrecy?" Tomochika asked what had been on your mind for a while.
"It's much more fun to see your defeated expressions when something unexpected happens than having you be prepared for everything" Shining admitted.
"Evil bastard" Ranmaru muttered under his breath.
"Which brings us to the next surprise" Raging stated as he pointed to Shining.
"Indeed it does" Shining said with a low chuckle and the bad feeling in your stomach reappeared.
"Heavens and Starish will be sharing rooms!" Both headmasters declared at the same time.
The room fell silent, dead silent, and you could see the color drain from everybody's face.
A slight chuckle left you and Tomochika, and Haruka was visibly holding her amusement in.
Masato, Tokiya, Ren, Yamato, Kira, Nagi and Eiichi snapped around to glare at you, but you couldn't hold the giggles in and soon you and Tomochika were a giggling mess while Haruka tried to calm you down, but failing hard as she started to giggle too.
Finally something bad didn't happen to you.
Quartet Night were visibly relieved as well, they didn't have to share a room with others than each other and that was enough trouble already.
"What a wonderful idea!" Natsuki exclaimed as he clapped his hands together in delight.
Syo and Cecil turned around to look at him with narrowed eyes, "You really think so?" Syo asked in a grumpy voice.
"Of course! I get to share a room with both Syo and Nagi who are some of the cutest people here! I'm happy" he explained and Syo facepalmed.
"Wait who said anything about me sharing a room with you two?" Nagi suddenly exclaimed, and Shining provided him with an answer.
"Well of course Mr. Mikado! It's easiest to pair you with the people you did the duet project with and Mr. Shinomiya saw right through that"
"This is gonna be the end of me" Masato mumbled under his breath as he looked from Ren to Van and sighed deeply.
"That actually sounds like a good idea" Van declared as he stood up from the couch and slung his arm around Ren.
"I'm not your personal armrest Van, but I agree, it could have been worse" Ren admitted.
You finally stopped your giggle fit and dried your eyes from the tears that had gathered in them. Your line of vision then landed on Otoya, who had been uncharacteristically quiet and you could see why. He had to share a room with Eiichi, the pure dread was visible in his eyes and you started laughing again. Shining was right, seeing the pure surprise and dread in all of your faces really was entertaining.
"I'm gonna die" Otoya mumbled and Tokiya nodded in agreement.
"This is ridiculous" Yamato stated, but he was cut off by an outburst from Shining and Raging.
"Well take it as you will, this is an order and we expect for all of you to have a good time together! We are counting on you miss (L/n)"
"And what's that supposed to mean?" You asked, the bad feeling in your stomach acting up again.
"Well you have to keep an eye on all of them of course, that's your job after all" Raging said and your eyes twitched. They were all grown ups and could take care of themselves, like hell were you gonna babysit all 18 boys for a week, they could go have their own fun.
Anger bubbled inside you and Tomochika noticed how your hands started to twitch.
"Oh no" was the only thing the redhead said before you jumped from the couch and darted towards Raging and Shining in a fit of rage. This was your vacation and they were not putting work on to you!
It took the combined strength of Ren, Ranmaru, Yamato and Van to keep you from jumping the two headmasters, and they luckily got out the door with a "Ciao, have fun, ask (Y/n) if anything happens" before you got out of the boys' grasp, only to run into the big wooden door.
You slid down the door and sat in front of it as you banged your clenched fist against it, "Damn you Shining, damn you Raging" you muttered against the door as Tomochika and Haruka each put a hand on your shoulder and helped you up from the floor.
You got of from the floor, your head still on the wooden door as you gathered yourself mentally.
You finally turned around and faced the boys, who were silently chatting to each other on about how they could get the best out of everything.
"Okay guys, I have an idea" you started and they all turned to look at you, "Let's do as Shining and Raging said and get the best out of this trip. We're all tired now so I suggest that we unpack and head to bed and then meet up again around 10 am tomorrow morning and then go have fun on the ski slopes" you said as you looked around the room and watched as all of the guys slightly sighed and nodded at you.
"You're right, for once, (Y/n), we should get the best out of it" Camus said and the others nodded.
"We're all friends after all" Reiji added and you smiled in relief and then something hit you, "Hey what do you mean with 'for once'? I'm almost always right" you said as you looked to Camus with furrowed brows.
"I don't know what you're talking about, goodnight manager" he swiftly said as he left the room with a wave over his shoulder.
You growled in response.
The other guys all smiled at your little exchange with Camus and then slowly started to head to bed as well.
The last ones left in the living room were you and Eiichi and before he left he stopped and said, "Thank you (Y/n), I, and the rest of Heavens really appreciate your kindness, I know how frustrating my father and his ideas can be, but i know I speak for all of Heavens when I say we're glad to have you on our side"
You smiled at his words and looked down for a bit, at least somebody appreciated your work and that meant something to you.
"Don't mention it Eiichi, let's just try not to cause any major trouble this time" you said as you patted him on the shoulder as you left the room.
You really hoped that this trip would turn out better than the other times you had been together with everyone. But that bad feeling in your stomach didn't want to leave and you couldn't help but think that this would be a long trip.

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