Chapter 2: The Calm Before the Storm - Part 1

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A/N: Most of the incidents that happens in this chapter is things I myself have been through, I got the inspiration from my own bad luck and I hope it can make you laugh.

Day 1

It was 9:45 the next morning when you were having breakfast with a bunch of the others, some of the boys still hadn't showed up, but you figured they would be there soon.
"You look like you haven't slept all night" was the first thing you said when you saw Masato walk through the door from the hallway and into the kitchen.
"Don't mention it please, I look like shit and Ren and Van snore louder than an engine on a boat" he said as he sat down with a loud thump.
"I see" was all you said as you took another bite of your toast.
"That is not true" Ren said as he entered the room.
"We sound like the roars of ferocious dragons ready to fight in the dead of the night" Van continued as he walked in behind Ren.
"I don't care what animal you are trying to imitate, cockatoo, dragon, whatever, if I don't get to sleep tonight we will have to find new names for Heavens and Starish because we will be missing an R and a V" Kira said in a very grumpy voice as he walked into the room with murder painted in his eyes.
"I think new members would be easier" you contributed as you took a sip from your coffee.
"Very funny (Y/n), pretending you wouldn't care if Ren and I disappeared from your life" Van uttered dramatically as he sat down besides you.
"Two problems less to worry about if you ask me" you said nonchalantly as you waved your hand at the brown haired man.
"Heh! No fair! Eiichi (Y/n) is being mean!" Van exclaimed at the leader of Heavens who was calmly eating his toast at the other end of the table, which seemed to be a nice spot right now, the other end of the table.
"Leave her alone Van, you'll just make her angry, and frankly I think that is the last thing any of us need" Eiichi said still munching on his toast.
"Finally somebody gets it" you said as you threw your hands in the air.
"Yeah an angry manager equals more work and mean comments to us, so please be nice to her" Reiji stated from across you.
"I'm not that mean" you said with furrowed brows at the brown haired idol.
"You called me a giant 5 year old with a pair of rattles the other day! That is mean!" Reiji whined and Nagi chuckled at your insult.
"Well Camus and Ranmaru calls you an idiot so I don't see how I'm the bad one" you muttered as you finished your coffee, once again earning a chuckle from Nagi and a dissatisfied grumble from Reiji.
As you put down your empty coffee cup and looked around the table you realized that everybody was now awake and looked more or less ready to go, except for Kira and Masato who probably wanted to murder their roommates. To your surprise and delight everybody, but those two, actually seemed to be having a quite nice morning and you couldn't help but sigh in delight which earned you an amused smile from Van, but you didn't notice. You were to busy observing the morning table. Reiji was buttering another toast for Nagi who looked on in anticipation and you were reminded that the young boy was the youngest among you and probably had a harder time adjusting to a lot of things than the rest. Shion, Masato and Camus were calmly drinking some tea Shion had brought along, he had said it was supposed to be good on bad nerves and help you relax and Masato seemed to be in a better mood already. Yamato and Syo were casually chatting about having a race later on in the day down one of the slopes and you couldn't help but smile at their enthusiastic banter on who would obviously be the winner. Ranmaru and Otoya seemed very keen on joining the race and they quickly started discussing the price for the winner.
Ai was watching a silent tutorial video with Cecil, Natsuki and Kira on how to ski and not get yourself hurt and you chuckled a bit to yourself. Eiji was telling Tokiya about another ski trip him and his brother had been on a few years prior and how he looked forward to this one because it was with everyone and Tokiya nodded in agreement slowly telling Eiji that he was actually glad Heavens was here with them. Besides you Van and Ren were flipping through a magazine on sports wear and gear silently judging the male models on the pages and you once again chuckled to yourself.
Tomochika and Haruka were sitting on your other side planning out their slopes for the day, they wanted to take it easy and take the easiest slopes first and then work their way up during the week.
Lastly your eyes fell on Eiichi who had the same look in his eyes as you did, pure relaxation and happiness from seeing his friends getting along with everybody else. You caught his eyes for a brief moment and you both smiled at each other with a knowing look before you both looked to somebody else again.
You sighed once again in joy and you wished every morning for the rest of the week would be like this.

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