Chapter 28

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Matt's POV

What a day. I was exhausted, but it had been worth it. As usual a day out with the guys did not disappoint.

It was a beautiful day and we'd had a great time but I was certainly glad to get back. We'd all decided to have showers then meet back at the bar by the pool in half an hour.

I needed the shower, I have no doubt that I stunk.

I got changed and headed to the bar, Jim was already there with a beer, so I grabbed one and sat down.

"Can you believe the girls aren't back." He said.

"Well they are shopping."

"True." He agreed.

Eventually the other guys joined us and we sat around, just relaxing.

Awhile later the girls arrived back, loaded down with bags. Brian called them over and as they made their way to us I noticed Adrienne wasn't with them.

"Fuck." Meg said sitting down. "I'm exhausted."

"Good day babe?" Brian asked her.

"No actually it was fucked." Becca said.

"I'll go up to the room." Amelia told Becca.

"Fuck, okay, I'll come up soon." Becca looked pissed.

"Hi." Amber said, pulling a chair over next to me.

I just looked at her, I got the feeling something had happened and no doubt she was the cause of it.

"Where's Adrienne?" I asked her.

"I don't know, she just left, quiet rude if you ask me."

"Oh fuck off." Becca snapped standing up. "I'm going to shower."

I watched her stomp off. I stood up and followed her.

"Becca, what happened?" I asked, catching up.

"Amber happened Matt, I don't know what she did, but she was a complete bitch the whole time and then suddenly Adrienne just disappeared."

"Shit." I knew this would happen.

"You need to do something Matt, she's ruining this holiday for everyone but especially Adrienne."

"Is Adrienne okay?" I asked her.

"Probably not." She stepped in the elevator and the doors shut.

I turned to walk back. What could I do about Amber? I'd broken up with her, she wasn't my girlfriend, but maybe I needed to say something to her.

I walked back over.

"We need to talk." I said to her.

She smiled. "Yes we do, but I want to shower first, I'll be back."

I watched her walk off, such a fucking drama queen.

"What are we doing tonight?" Brian asked.

"Sit right the fuck here and not move."  Jim said.

I agreed with him, I didn't feel like doing much so sitting here sounded perfect.

I just hoped Adrienne would join us.

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