Chapter 61

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Matt's POV 

I ran into Amelia in the corridor. I was heading up to see Adrienne. It felt like I'd waited 20 minutes but Zack assured me it had only been 5. I didn't give a fuck, I was going up now.

"What's happening?" Amelia asked me.

"I'm going up to see her. She's out of surgery."

"Oh thank god." She cried. "What did they say?"

That she could die at any moment.

"She's critical."

"Oh Matt." She said hugging me.

I hugged her briefly back and turned towards the elevator.

While I waited I tried to mentally prepare myself for what I might see. I'd be fine, she'd be fine, everything would be fine.

"You can only stay a short time." A nurse informed me. "Maybe tomorrow you'll be able to visit longer."

A short time, how long was a short time?

I nodded and followed her to a room, she opened the door and I stepped inside.

Everything was not fine, it wasn't fine at all.

I looked at her. She was in a bed surrounded by machines, each machine making it's own noise. I could barely see her for all of the tubes attached to her.

"Are you okay?" The nurse asked kindly.

I just looked at her blankly.

"Let me explain. This is a respirator." She pointed to a machine. "She just needs a little help breathing right now. This one is to monitor her heart and blood pressure." She pointed to another. "The other's are IV lines and such. She bled internally so she lost alot if blood."

I nodded at her, not really taking it in.

"Go, see her, I'll let you know when it's time to leave. Oh and we're giving her a whole lot of fluids so she might look a little puffy, it's all normal." She walked out and shut the door.

All normal. None of this was fucking normal.

I stood there for a minute, just looking at her laying in the bed. How was it that this afternoon she was at my house and now she was here?

I walked over to the bed and looked at her. She had a bruise on her face and I could only imagine the other bruises she had. Her chest was rising and falling in time with the noise of the respirator. If they turned it off would she die?

I reached out and picked up her hand. Thank god it felt warm, alive, not cold and lifeless. I leant over and kissed a spot on her cheek that didn't have tubes on it.

"Rie." I whispered, resting my forehead on hers.

I didn't know what to say. I'd said it all before. But I would say it again.

"I love you Rie, I really do."

It wasn't long and I heard the door open. I guessed it was time to leave.

"I'll be back in a few hours baby. I'll see you then."

I kissed her again and turned heading out. I glanced back at her, every part of my body was screaming to stay but I knew I couldn't, but tomorrow, well later on actually, considering it already was tomorrow, I was coming down and I wasn't leaving her side.

Nobody had dare try to make me.

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