They took my Sunshine

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Sorry for not updating. I took a break so i can work on my writing skills a little more. Hopefully this chapter will be better than the last few ones. Ugh sorry again!

Tim got off his horse, they rode back to Robert's house. It was starting to get dark. The sky was turning organe and a lovely pink. They found nothing. Nothing that would hint to a door back to the future. Tim sighed, he knew he was going to get lectured by Damian on how stupid his idea was and how it was a waste of time, the second they where alone.  Tim hitched the horse and gave it a few pats on the neck. He really wish he got stuck in the past with someone who wasn't a gremlin.

Robert walked up to the house which was slight. An uncomfortable silence. Robert opened the door. Only to find no one. This was where he felt his heart spike up, his chest was throbbing. He was worried about Mae, and if those damn River Fever gang kidnapped her, he'd freak out. But he knew he couldn't do that. Not in front of some lost boys that barley knew him. He stormed into the bedrooms, nothing, the basement, nothing. No sign of her, but he took a deep breath in. Maybe shes in the garden? He practically ran to the garden by the side of the house. He opened the gate to the garden and walked to where they had corn planted. Giant stalks that where bigger than even him. They could easily hide Mae's small figure. He felt his stomach twist when he didn't find anyone there. Different emotions attacked him at once. Angry, sadness, fear, all attacked him. It felt like he was being ran over by a horse.

Damian and Tim watched him from where they hitched their horses. They both felt that familiar sense of a feeling they can't quite describe. It was a a feeling when they know something bad has happened is happening. They guess it happened after fighting people, dealing with insane mind games and more, that they grew a sixth sense. They both ran to Robert, and ran after him.

"Robert?.." Tim asked, as he went to touch his shoulder. Robert looked at Tim, complete horror could be seen on his face. Tim's stomach turned. He already knew what was wrong.

"T-They..." Robert stuttered out. Tears grew in the corner of the man's eyes, never in his life did he think that this would happen. Never in his life, did he think that he would lose his beloved wife..Mae. He wanted to scream, kill every damn man that breathed in that blasted gang. There will be hell to pay.

Tim brought Robert into a hug. Robert hated showing weakness, but at that moment he didn't care. After a good few seconds he pulled away. Robert's face that once looked sad was now angry. Fury was raging through his veins. "I'll kill them Tim, I'll kill every damn man that ever set foot into that gang." He swore. He then stomped towards the house, practically running. "Wait! Robert! You can't go in there gun's blazing!" He shouted running after him. Damian quickly followed, "I'll help you Robert!" Damain said. "DAMIAN! You are not doing that!" Tim shouted. Turning around on his heal, about to smack that boy for even thinking of doing that. "Drake, I'm not going to kill them. Only to get Mae out of there." Damain huffed in annoyance. "Damian, we cannot let Robert go there, and start shooting everything, like a maniac! And you, are just encouraging just that."

While they were arguing they didn't notice Robert already having his Double Barrel shot gun. And leaving, riding off on his horse.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2019 ⏰

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