Things i hate about the mythical community and why im leaving it (last post)

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So, as you read by the title, I'm leaving. Honestly this place which I thought was safe at first has turned into... well... idk what exactly. People are turning on eachother and hating on eachother and I hate it. Mythicals are hating on humans, when we practically ARE humans who believe we have powers. On discord, tons of people are hating on me because of something I didn't do. I was helping a friend, and sure it seems like I'm helping the bad guy, I was doing that so I wouldn't get caught. If that makes sense. I just hate how mean everyone was to eachother, and I hate the liars. Who think they're all powerful and can control what we believe, because if we don't believe the same thing, we'll "turn human". I guess I should stop saying "we", saying as i don't believe Mythicals are real anymore. Sure, the sky still feels like home and all I want is to fly, but it just doesn't seem possible. I so wish it was though. If anyone can convince me its real, by all means, pm me and I'll listen. Because i want it to be real, but i just can't believe.
I know not everyone here is bad.  KawaiiTheMagical Mademoiselle-Kat and Old_Soul_9 are great friends, and I don't ever want to loose them. I know I have a bunch of other great friends I made, but I don't feel like tagging anymore people. If you were one of my friends, thank you for being here for me. I will probably be leaving this account soon, but before I go, you can pm me and if I trust you and you're my friend, I'll give you my Skype.
Farewell everyone. I hope you're not mad. Again, if you think you can convince me otherwise, please do. Goodbye.

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