episode 5: do not mess with me

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"What? No records?!" Lisa blurted out as she massaged her temples. She's currently inside her new office in JH, Inc. "Dig deeper! I'm paying you double your fee so do your fucking job better!"

"Wow. I'd hate to be the guy who pissed you off," Jung Hoseok—the company's current CEO, said as soon as she ended her phone call. "Who is it this time?"

"No one," she lied. "It's about some tech thing."

"You're not fooling me, Lis," he said as he propped his elbow on the table. "I cleared my sched for you. You can tell me everything."

"I'm having seconds thoughts about stabbing you with this pen right now."

"Is that the right way to treat your boss?" Hoseok teased.

"You're hardly my boss," she answered. "Have you read my proposal? I left it on your table this morning."

"Already? You're really an overachiever. Was and still is."

"You know I aim to please, Hobi."

Hoseok chuckled as she called him by his nickname. It's a known fact that the Kims and Jungs do not see eye to eye. But in Lisa and his case, it doesn't apply. They've always been close for as long as they could remember.

The fact is, they were both the competitive ones in the family so they always see eye to eye. They might have years between them but they treat each other like they're the same age.

"I'm still here wondering why you chose to be a COO when I offered you to be Jaegu's new CEO," the guy said as he played with his tie. "Still scared you wouldn't be taken seriously just because you're a girl?"

"I'm not that petty," she defended. Then she grinned. "I want to be CEO of JH, Inc. Not Jaeju."

Hoseok laughed. "I should be so scared right now."

She winked at him. "You should be."

The two laughed before her intercom suddenly buzzed.

"Ma'am, there's this guy here claiming to be you brother. Should I let him in?"

Lisa turned towards Hoseok.

"Maybe it's Tae," she said. "I told him last night that you hired me."

"Then why will he come here?"

"Maybe to give me a welcome party?" She then pressed the button. "Sure. Let him in."

"What the fvck is going on, Lisa?!"

Both Lisa and Hoseok were supprised when the double doors of her office bursted open. Kim Seokjin was fuming.

Did she forget to mention that Jin hated the Jungs? Specifically Hoseok.

"Oh hi, big brother," Lisa greeted. "I see you've heard the news."

"What the hell are you doing here in JH?! They're our rival company!"

She chuckled. "Well, Hoseok offered me a job. Since I recently got fired, I took it. I can't afford to be jobless, you know."

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