episode 28: how to break a bitch

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"How long has she been in coma you say? Five years?" Lucas asked as he watched a pale, lifeless girl lying in the middle of the king sized bed with multiple tubes connected to her frail looking body.

As a doctor himself, seeing patients like this is natural but finding out she's been in coma for five long years... it wasn't unnatural but it was applaudable.

"At this rate, if she did wake up she'd either have brain damage or be in a vegetative state," he told her straightforwardly. "But there are cases where she could miraculously recover without any of those."

"I know," she said then sighed. "But I'm not just gonna let this slide. That fucking family did this to her. I almost got them but that Lalisa just had to intervene."

"Tch. I should've known," he muttered letting out a smirk. "That bitch is always getting on my nerves as well. And this isn't the first time she saved her family from ruins."

"Yeah. She managed to swindle SS Group's majority stock position through contract legalities," she let out a soft chuckled before folding her slender arms. "Quite smart actually. She's like a freaking guardian angel or something. I'd love to shoot her in the face."

"I don't think she'd even quiver," he muttered recalling the confrontational incident they had before. "That bitch ain't scared of a gun."

"Everyone is afraid of something," she muttered, deep in thought as she gazed as her unconscious sister's sleeping form. "We just have to figure out what it is. Once Lalisa Kim is out of the picture, her family won't stand a chance at all. We just need to strike her weakness, that's all. I've heard she has a child. I wonder if she'd react differently if it was the kid involved."

Kang Seulgi heaved a sigh as she overheard Joohyun and the Lucas boy's conversation. She had been with the brunette for years helping take care of Sooyoung and making sure they were both safe. She had witnessed everything the girl went through and what she had sacrificed for her sister. She even supported her with her plans as she thought it would help her move on from everything.

But with what's happening now, she can clearly see how anger and revenge had corrupted her best friend's soul and she doesn't even recognize Bae Joohyun now at all. She was a different person—a spiteful, full of anger and confused person.

But she can't do anything nor leave. She can't even tell her off about everything. Irene was neither sane nor in a stable state. She's afraid that if she left, she go as far as killing people for her idea of justice. She's even considering harming an innocent child.

"Joohyun," she said as she laid the tray with two coffees on the table. "YK's stocks are still down. They suffered enough loses, don't you think? You should stop—"

"Suffered enough?" Joohyun laughed bitterly. "They're far from it, Seulgi. I won't rest until they're all on the ground. That family ruined everything—"

"The only person you're ruining is yourself, Joohyun!" she blurted out. The Lucas kid looked genuinely surprised after her scream as she wasn't much of a talker since Joohyun brought him to the apartment.

It was another thing she was worried about. Joohyun just let the guy in to their home like he wasn't a wanted criminal. For all they know he's a psychopathic serial killer or something.

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