Chapter Three

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Screeching tires woke me from my wide-eyed stare.  Nathan leapt to his feet and darted into the next room. 

“He’s back!” he called.

I stood perfectly still; inside however, I scrambled madly to gather my thoughts—to consolidate everything that had happened tonight into something that made sense.  Something my mind could accept. Vampires, witches, my mother… It was just too much. I wanted desperately to close my eyes and block it all out. I didn’t dare try, fearful of what lurked behind my eyelids.

Nathan ran back into the small kitchen, slowing only long enough to unlock the door before disappearing outside.  A sudden anxiety filled me as I waited there alone, becoming more intense as the sound of voices neared the open doorway.  I needed to get out of here. If I couldn’t mentally escape this nightmare then I would physically try. I took a deep breath for clarity, and then went about surveying the room for potential weapons and possible escape routes—more of my training.

Before I could act on the plan I quickly pieced together, a tall wide man came through the doorway, his arm around Nathan’s shoulder.  His hairline had retreated considerably, and a thick brown beard concealed most of his features, but his gentle eyes shared Nathan’s warmth.  Still, when he made a move toward me, I instinctively moved away.  A chill caused my entire body to shiver.

He and Nathan exchanged glances.  Nathan leaned over, whispered something to the tall man, then stepped forward.  “It’s okay, this is my grandpa.  He won’t hurt you.”

I nodded.  “I’m sorry…I…”

“There is no need to explain, Anastasia.  I know that tonight has been difficult.  My grandson used a calming spell on you, which lost its effectiveness once he left the cabin.  You may be experiencing a sudden rush of emotion,” he said slowly, in a soft and even tone.  He put both of his hands into the air—the same way people did when surrendering to the police—and took slow steps backwards until his back touched the opposite wall.  He continued.  “My name is Duncan.  Duncan Mathalbane.  I am your family’s guardian, a position I have held since your mother was a child.  You are safe now.  The area is clear.”

“Why wasn’t I safe before? Why did my mother have to face that monster alone?  Where have you been all these years?” I was babbling, moving toward him now, more angry than afraid.  “Why. Is. My. Mother. DEAD?”

Duncan shook his head and took in a slow breath.  “I know you have questions, but please understand... there is a lot that you don’t know.  Things that, if not explained in just the right way could—“

“Nathan already told me that I'm a witch,” I interrupted.  “And I know that a vampire attacked my mother.  What else do I need to know? Make me understand.”

Nathan’s eyes grew large and his grandfather shot him a nasty stare.  I hated to betray Nathan’s trust but I needed these answers, for this all to make sense somehow. My sanity depended on it.

Duncan ordered Nathan to his room, and he slumped off with his head hung low.

“Tell me everything you know about me or I’ll leave right now," I demanded.  "No more secrets.” 

It was an empty threat, Duncan probably realized it too, but I figured it was enough that it might be worth it to have my cooperation.  He sighed and stepped directly in front of me.  This time, though my knees threatened to buckle, I held my ground.

“Your family name is Rasputin,” he began.  “The most fam— infamous of your ilk being Gregori Rasputin, architect of the fall of the Tsars.  As it stands, you are his great-great-granddaughter.  The Rasputins are descended from the eldest daughter of the first known witch Merline.  The name Merlin might sound more familiar as later historians thought it much more suitable that such a powerful historical figure be a man.  It isn’t known how Merline came to possess her magical abilities, but what is known is that she birthed seven children, and every witch or warlock living today is a descendant of one of those seven children.  However, only the seven descendants deemed to be the legitimate heirs of Merline’s seven children are gifted with her mythical grey eyes.  Sadly, only the Pendragon, Merovingian, Rasputin, and Abiade royal lines have survived the years.”

That was all well and good but it didn’t help me understand what happened tonight. “And the vampires…why are they looking for me?”

“Because of the war, Anastasia. For over 800 years witches and vampires waged a terrible war that has resulted in devastating casualties both witch, vampire and human alike.  It is believed that Merline’s first child died at childbirth, and she, consumed with grief, delved into the very dark and twisted magic to raise him from the dead.  Upon realizing the boy’s murderous need for blood to survive, she resolved to kill the child, but her maternal instincts prevailed. She instead banished him to a faraway land.  The boy returned a man, and repaid his mother’s mercy with murder.  He presented himself as the rightful heir to her many lands and wealth but her other children refused his claim—they chased him away and pursued him until the ends of their lives.  Thus began the family feud that evolved into a most terrible war.  Today a provisional peace treaty exists but there are still groups from both sides who choose to live as though the war continues.  It is those vampires who hunt you.”

“And you all knew of this?” I shouted. “You knew what we were up against and still you didn’t come. You let us face that—that thing, alone. Where were you?” 

Again, he breathed deeply and then plopped his large frame onto the icebox in the middle of the floor.  “I was forced to keep my distance, Anastasia.”

“What?  By who?”

“By your grandmother.  It is my duty to protect you and your mother but I was not to let your mother become aware of my presence—that we knew her location.  And because of that I could never get too close. An admittedly foolish gamble on her part and a point I’ve made time and time again. But she feared losing you both, that had your mother known we were on to her, she would have taken you and disappeared forever. ”

“I don’t understand.  My mother made such a big deal of keeping me safe, why wouldn’t she want your help?”

“You were never meant to be an heir, Anastasia.  Your mother was a second child; your aunt, Aleksandra, was the first.  Her first-born child would have been next in line to inherit Merline’s grey eyes had she not passed away so young.  As your mother’s guardian, I knew her to be very grateful not to inherit the grey eyes.  It meant the freedom to live her life however she saw fit.  Free of the burdens and responsibilities.  When your aunt died and you—the only first-born Rasputin left— inherited the eyes, she took you and ran.  I can only guess at her reasons, but I suspect that it was because she wanted you to be able to make your own choices—to choose your own life.  Aleksandra did struggle with the limitations…”

“What happened to her?”

His face turned from mine.  “I can say no more. “  He stood up and began to walk into the next room shaking his head.  I followed him. 

“I need to know what happened to her.”

He put up his hand.  “I shouldn’t have said as much as I did.”

“I…I order you to tell me,” I said desperately, unsure if it would actually work.

“You wouldn’t,” he said, his nose and forehead now bright red.

 I hesitated, but answered.  “I do.”

He lowered his head, and then turned his pain struck eyes to mine.  “She basically took her own life, Anastasia.”

The news hit me like a kick in the gut.  “But why?”

“For misguided love.  Now I’ll say no more, royal blood or not.”

Love?  What boy could be worth your life?  Yet another thing I didn’t I get.  Not that understanding mattered to me anymore. I knew what facts and events had led to tonight. And guess what? Understanding didn’t change a thing. My heart still ached. I still felt totally and completely alone. “Duncan, I have no one.” With that admission, my strength broke and I collapsed on the floor.  Duncan picked me up and carried me into a bedroom.  He sat with me while I sobbed, loud and deeply, until my eyes and throat both ached from it. 

A time passed and then, fighting back tears of his own, he spoke.  "My sweet Elena, Nathan's mother, suffered a similar kind of attack at the hands of those monsters.  For years, I believed her gone from this world and it was not until very recently that I learned the truth.  I cannot tell you the pain it caused me.  Your grandmother will likely strip me of my title for telling you this, but I cannot in good conscience do otherwise..."

"I-I don't understand...." 

"Anastasia, we searched the house. There was no sign of your mother..."

Grey Eyes: Book One of the Forever TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now