So Much Wrong

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A Month Later

Chibs grinned as he saw Axl jogging onto the lot from the bus stop, stopping by his mom's car to grab his prospect kutte from the back seat. He shrugged it on before tossing his backpack on the seat and slamming the door. He walked over to Chibs and grinned. 

"What's going on, old man?"

Chibs lifted a brow and shook his head. "Old man, eh? Come on, we're gonna take a look at this van that was brought in this morning. Ye can let yer mom know yer here in a bit." As they walked across the lot, Chibs through an arm around the boy's shoulders. "How was school today?"

Axl rolled his eyes, making the older man chuckle. "Boring. I don't know why I have to finish. Jax and Opie didn't and they were allowed to patch in."

Chibs sighed and nodded. "Aye, they were, but yer ma wants ye to at least finish high school and that's what ye'll do, yeah?"

Axl sighed and nodded before getting a sly grin on his face. "You like mom, huh? Like, really like her."

Chibs grinned and nodded. "Aye, I do. One day, I'd like her to be my old lady. What do ye think about that?"

Axl chuckled and shrugged. "I think it's taken you long enough to figure that out, that's what I think."

Chibs shook his head as he playfully hit Axl in the back of the head. "Always a smartass."


Willow looked at the clock then got up to look out the window at the lot. "Axl should have been here by now."

Gemma looked up from the paperwork in front of her. "He's probably with the guys. You know he hunts down Chibs the minute he gets off the bus." 

Willow saw Axl walking beside Chibs to a van that Half-Sack had just towed onto the lot. She grinned and shook her head as she turned to walk back to her seat. "Yep, you're right. He's with Chibs."

Gemma chuckled. "Told ya."

Just then, there was a loud explosion that rocked the building, shaking the windows in their frames. Gemma looked at Willow before both women bolted for the door. Willow screamed when she saw Axl and Chibs both down on the ground and not moving. She felt arms come around her and lift her off the ground to swing her around.

"Stay with Gem, Will. Let us see what's up first."

Willow fell into Gemma's arms shaking as Happy patted her on the back before running to the fallen men. She saw that Axl was slowly sitting up, his left hand on his head as he cradled his right arm to his chest. Happy stopped to talk to Axl for a minute before nodding and pointing back to Willow. He then ran over to where Chibs was still laying, Jax, Tara, and Tig kneeling beside him as they all could hear sirens in the distance.

Axl reached his mom and let her wrap her arms around him, holding him to her as she cried into his hair. "Oh baby, are you hurt? What the hell happened?"

Axl shook his head, pain glazing his eyes as he looked at his mother. "I don't know. Chibs turned the ignition on the van and then stopped and screamed for me to run. The next thing I knew, I was on the ground. I think my arm's broken."

Gemma put an arm around Willow as she nodded. "Ok, I'm gonna take the two of you to the hospital. The ambulance is here for Chibs."

Willow looked from her son to where Chibs was now being worked on by two EMTs and Tara. "But Chibs... I need to find out how he is."

Gemma shook her head as she pushed Willow toward her SUV. "Baby, you can't get to him right now. You'll find out something at the hospital."

Willow nodded and led Axl over to Gemma's Escalade, not taking her eyes from where Chibs lay on the ground with a growing puddle of blood under his head.


Willow let her head rest against the back of the chair in the hospital waiting room as they all waited for news on Chibs. Axl had been seen and the doctors had said that he had indeed broken his arm and that he had a slight concussion, but neither was cause for alarm. Half-Sack had taken him home so that Willow could be there for Chibs.

She couldn't get the image of Chibs and Axl laying on the ground out of her head. She was no longer worried about Axl, but Chibs was another story. She felt someone sit down beside her and opened her eyes to see Jax sitting there looking concerned. He reached over and took her hand, squeezing it slightly as he gave her a small smile.

"He's gonna be ok, Will. He's a tough bastard."

Willowdean nodded, worry in her eyes as she looked at Jax. "I know, but... there was so much blood, Jax. When I saw him laying there, I thought... "

Jax nodded as he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into his side so that her head was on his shoulder. "I know, darlin, but he'll pull through. This isn't the worst thing that's ever happened to him." He sighed as he kissed her on the forehead. Out of all the Sons besides Chibs, Willow was closest to Jax. He'd always been like a brother to her. "You having second thoughts about letting Axl join the club?"

Willowdean shook her head. "No. Shit happens and I know that you guys will have his back whenever possible." She sighed. "Do you know who did this?"

Jax nodded as the look on his face changed from one of concern to one of barely controlled rage. "We have an idea, yeah. Juice is on it." He grinned at her as he pushed a lock of hair out of her eyes. "Why don't you close your eyes and try to get some rest? I'll wake you if they come out to tell us anything."

Willow nodded before letting her eyes close again, the image of Chibs laying on the pavement still fresh in her mind.

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