Brothers - Clint Barton PT. 3

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"Hey, I was still spinning." You turned to see who it was and saw Clint with his arms crossed.

"So, did you try to get drunk?" You looked at him for a second and then smiled.

"Maybe." You stood up and tried to hug him but he put his hand on your chest and stopped you. Being an inch taller you looked down and stared at him. His face didn't change until you shoved your hand into his side. You both knew each other's most ticklish spot. That just happened to be his. When he let his guard down, you took it as your chance to hug him.

"I'm glad you're here Clint, but who's with the kids?" You pushed him back a bit and raised an eyebrow.

"I left them with Nat and Bruce. They said they'd take care of them while we were gone. I just hope we aren't gone for that long." You smiled and pulled him back into to the hug.

"Well, what time is it?" You raised your right hand behind Clint's back and checked your watch.

"I'd say it's probably around one in the morning." You pat his back and turned out of the hug, walking over to the desk you had seen your sniper plans sitting on. You pointed to him and smiled.

"Right on the dot. You remember when I was in Afghanistan?"

He looked at you for a second then nodded. "Yeah. What about it?" You picked up the paper and brought it over back to him.

"This, I drew while waiting for a new assignment for my troops. I designed it to be a cool customized sniper for me to use on other missions, but then I got shot and I lost it." He nodded and you smiled. "Someone from S.H.I.E.L.D must have been watching me while I was over there, because somehow they got it. They even made a prototype of it with upgrades." You ran your fingers over the drawing and soon were drawn into a flashback from the war.

You were sitting at your desk tapping your fingers. The explosions from far away shook the building just a bit every time they went off. You started to count the seconds between each one, getting smaller every time you tried to count. When they got to less than thirty seconds between, you sighed and set your forehead on the desk in front of you. You were waiting for the president to get back to you on the orders to attack. You got bored of sitting, so you got out a piece of paper to design a better sniper.

"Lieutenant Colonel Barton, sir." You looked up from the desk and saw your First Lieutenant King with a panicked look on his face. You stood up and walked over to him.

"King. What's wrong?" He was shaking as you put your hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

"Sir, the bombs are getting closer to the camp. The renegades are pushing further into the city and killing our men. We need to do something now, we can't wait for Mr. President's orders." You nodded and sighed.

"Gather up the Enforcers. We have a mission. If any of them question it say Code: Recon." He nodded and ran down the steps to gather your kill squad. You smiled and untucked your tie from your shirt. You quickly changed from you dress uniform to your attack uniform and grabbed your sniper bag. You grabbed the sniper designs and shoved them into your back pocket.

You walked out of your office building and saw five out of your six best friends. They were all standing in line at attention waiting to be called to ease.

"At ease soldiers." They all relaxed and smiled at each other. It wasn't very often they got to go on elite missions without the rest of the companies joining them. You smiled until you realized who was missing.

"Alright guys. Where's Dummy?" Everyone looked around and shrugged.

"King! Get over here!" King came running up beside you and started panting.

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