𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙏𝙬𝙤

917 39 1

Jaehee: Wait so what's the special security system?

707: Well um... It's a system that includes a bomb

Mc: Bomb goes boom?

707: Bomb will go boom, if intruder enters again

Jaehee: Again?!?

Mc: Right, so just leave the place?

707: Well, opening the door wouldn't be a good idea

Mc: Right so stay in a place with a bomb, this doesn't sound right

707: I'm working on it, the hackers the one messing with it

Mc: The hacker?

Jaehee: Please get right on it

Mc: I'm gonna eat some food to clear my head

[Mc has left the chat]

I placed my phone down and walked slowly towards the the kitchen, my steps were weak and I sat on the chair in the kitchen. I was confused, my thoughts went back onto before I came to this apartment.

I was packing my handbag and looked towards Saeran sat on the bed, I hugged his face into my chest "Why do you look so worried?" I mumbled into his hair. His arms snaked around my waist and pulled me onto his lap "I don't know what they'll do when they find out who you really are" I ran my hands through his hair "I'll protect you I promise" I smiled and hugged him tighter.

I looked around the apartment and then to the camera "I'm in danger! Come fucking get me!" I shouted looking towards it, I looked towards my original phone picking it up "Fucking care about me! Why don't you care!" As I shouted a threw my phone across the room. Hearing it smash I stared emotionless at the broken pieces on the floor, suddenly my head started to sting and I crawled in a ball I bit my lip to stop the pain. Suffering with the pain I heard the phone ring, I shot up my head towards the phone.

Yoosung: "Hey Mc! I just read the chat and wanted to check up on you"

Mc: "Yoosung" My voice was broken and I winced in pain slightly

Yoosung: "Mc?! You ok? Is it that thing you were telling me about?!" I nodded my head and made a noise to confirm "You can't be alone in that state!" He squeaked.

Mc: "Yoosung, I'm fine" I muttered holding back my emotions "It will go" I stayed on the phone with him until my mind seemed to clear "What were we talking about?" I muttered as it left

Yoosung: "I wanted to see if you're ok, espically with the bomb" I heard him grumble to himself before continuing "I wish their was more for me to do to help you"

Mc: "You're doing enough by being here" I chirped. He squeaked happily and I stood up to move to the kitchen "Anyway I better go make myself some food" We said our goodbyes and I moved on to make food.

Meanwhile Saeran sat at his monitors and called you, it quickly went to voice mail and he moved to the camera. A smile graced his lips as he watched me cook food and his gaze turned to a black mark on the wall, "She smashed the phone?!" He stood up and rewound the tape.

"I'm in danger! Come fucking get me!" He furrowed his eyebrows to your angry shouting and then quickly moved to hack the phone you were using. As he did so he continued listening to the cctv "You're doing enough by being here" catching his breathe at her words he turned around and watched her. He turned away and tried hacking her phone faster, finally being granted access he looked through the messages. Reading about the bomb and then he found out who she was on call with "You seem to be getting calls from him alot" he muttered to himself reading the messages you'd been sharing. Slamming his hands on the desk he stood up and started to head out the room.

As I sat on the sofa watching TV when the lights started to flicker "Special security system de-acviating" A robotic voice announce "Special secrity system acvitating" I looked up towards where I could hear the noise "System Error" I sunk into my blanket while messaging Seven.

Mc: The security system is talking

707: Oh, that's probably because I'm trying to disacivate it

As you returned to watch the TV, Seven heard a nock at the door "It's late go away!" He shouted but after hearing the nock again he turned his head towards the CCTV he quickly scrambled to open the door. "Yoosung? What are you doing out so late?" He stepped into the house clearly out of breath "Mc is sick" He huffed "She's in no condition to stay alone" Seven frowned and took off his glasses proceeding to wipe them. "I know, I've been watching" he pointed towards a monitor, Yoosung slowly stepped towards it and watched as Mc watched TV. Her face wasn't facing the camera and Yoosung found himself smiling at her, "The thing is, we can't go help her" Seven broke the silence "I'm in a battle with the hacker for the special security system" Yoosung thought over her words.

"What if, we go to the apartment open the door and don't step in?" Seven looked towards Yoosung clearly lost in thought "That way we'd be able to get Mc out"

"But their's still the chance that the hacker will see that and activate the bomb" Yoosung thought over it and then towards Seven "We have to try something" Seven nodded his head in defeat.

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