Molten Tells Bryan and Meeting Rockstar Freddy?! 💖

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I turn to happy frog "hello! I am Happy Frog what's your name?" Happy frog asked. I sighed "My name is Skylar but call me Sky I am Bryan son nice to meet you Happy Frog." I said blandly. Dad glared at me I rolled my eyes not caring and looked at the fox "It's Rockstar Foxy." Rockstar Foxy said. I nodded and turned to the chicken "I'm Funtime Chica nice to meet you Sky." Chica said sassily. I only groaned in annoyance I sat at a chair and looked around seeing Rockstar charging I tilt my head "who that charging on stage dad?" I asked. "That's Rockstar stage and Rockstar Freddy charging right now you will meet him later after he is done," Dad said. I nodded understanding and becoming bored.

"Today is another day at Freddy fazbear pizzeria!" Dad said. I groaned annoyed even more than ever, we walked into the pizzeria into the main room seeing Springtrap, Lefty, Rockstar Bonnie, and Rockstar Freddy online now I tilt my head and looked around to find Molten staring at me I deadpanned and rolled my eyes "What are you staring at Molten?" I asked venom laced my voice on his name. "Oh nothing at all just observing." Molten said. I scoffed and walked up to Rockstar Bonnie my arms crossed "Can't you believe him! I quote 'Oh nothing at all just observing' I can't believe it just observing more like watching that bucket of bolts!" I muttered under my breath growling angrily.

Not in a mood for anything right now "You okay Sky? You seem a bit angry." R. Bonnie asked. "I am fine. Just grumpy and not in a mood for anything." I said. R. Bonnie nodded I walked away and shyly walked to Lefty "H-hey L-lefty." I said. Lefty turned to me and smiled "Hey bud! What is it?" Lefty asked. I twiddle with my fingers shy "W-well u-um." I stutter. 'Oh shit! What do I tell him! I am becoming embarrassed about a bad idea to approach him!' I freaked out in my head. 

I felt heat rise to my cheeks becoming embarrassed "W-well I-I w-was w-wondering i-if y-you w-want t-to h-hang o-out?" I asked a stuttering mess I am now. "Sure bud!" Lefty said. I smiled shyly "Is someone in love?~" A sing-song voice said. I turned to see dad and jumped back "The hell dad! I could've had a heart attack damn it!" I yelled. Dad laughed at me my face is flushed red and my eyes wide from being scared I growled becoming mad "Not funny dad!" I yelled angry more. 

Dad shook his head and smiled "Why you blushing son? Are you embarrassed because you're in love or because you wore a maid outfit so you can get attention from gay people?" Dad said now serious. I blinked and the blush went away, turning my head to look at molten seeing the bucket of bolts smirking my eye twitch angrily "I was forced to wear the maid outfit because Shadow Freddy wanted me too and Bonnie wanted me to serve and Vincent was all over me calling me his Kitten it makes me want to die inside. And honestly, Grayson was hitting on me and besides his cute and besides Vincent has done something I hate to admit." I explained.

(If you know what I mean *Wink* *wink* Eh? No okay...) Dad sighed and shook his head and sighed and gave me a stern look "Sky you are grounded for 2 months." Dad stated. My eyes widened "You gotta be kidding me, dad! It wasn't my fault they were all over me!" I yelled. "Don't you raise your voice at me young man for now on you go to school, pizzeria, and home that's it," Dad said seriously. 

I growled not happy and stomped my right foot turning away I walked to the stage and sat on the stools pouting 'This is ridiculous he can't do that! I am grown to damn it Molten! I will get you one day and when it comes ooooh you better be ready.' I thought. I sighed I walked into the kitchen and started making pepperoni pizza, after I was done I decided to make some vanilla cake with raspberry filling after I made the cake I took a plate cutting the slice of pizza and cake putting it on my plate making myself a cup of 7up pouring it in with ice taking the cup and walking into the main room and sat down getting a fork I start to eat the cake as it melted into my mouth. "Mmm, best.cake.ever!" I said. 

Picking up my slice of pizza I took a bite chewing and swallowing the food, then I started eating every last bite liking my cooking skills after I was done I got up and walked into the kitchen putting the cup and plate in the sink to get washed later. Walking out the kitchen I ran into someone and fell on my butt rubbing my butt and looking up I saw the bear that was charging yesterday he looked down at me "Sorry I didn't see you there." He said. 

He held his hand out to me I took it and he pulled me up, getting up onto my feet standing up I blushed and looked down becoming shy again "Y-yeah i-it's f-fine I-I w-wasn't l-looking w-where I-I w-was g-going e-either." I stutter. He grabbed me by my chin lifting my head up so that I am looking at him in the eyes. 

My blush darkened becoming redder than ever "Heh, don't be so shy kid it doesn't suit ya. And the name Rockstar Freddy Baby friend." He said. I smiled shyly and looked away "S-sorry j-just a-a b-bit s-shy i-is a-all. A-and n-nice t-to m-meet y-you R-rockstar F-Freddy," I stutter. "My name is Sky Bryan son the pleasure to finally meet you, Rockstar Freddy," I said without stuttering one bit. "Nice to meet you too sky." Rockstar Freddy said.

I smiled at him we began to talk more getting to know each other becoming close friends, I liked him a lot now I started to grow feelings the more I spend time and get to know him more. 'I fell in love with Rockstar Freddy but I want him to return the feelings to me now.' I thought.

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