Chapter 4: Copying Hint

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  It was at lunch the next day when Jaylin and Sarah was sitting at lunch. Jaylin had stolen Sarah's waffle since it was breakfast Friday. Sarah doesn't eat much anyways. "So, Sarah, who is your favorite YouTuber? Collins Key or Devan Key?" Jaylin asked.

  This is when it got confusing for Jaylin, Sarah soon replied "Blue Eyes And A Key" she spoke sort of softly. Jaylin tilted her head "Sarah, tell me who it is! Don't just say that!" She chuckled and Sarah sighed and looked at Jaylin. "Only one hint, Blue Eyes And A Key" she huffed. Jaylin sighed a bit and nodded.

  Sarah had to move away after this month. And Jaylin needs to find out what she means by Blue Eyes And A Key. For the rest of the day she thought about it. Every time Jaylin either talked to Sarah and texted Sarah, Sarah would answer the same way "Blue Eyes And A Key"

Blue Eyes And A Key...

Who was it that Sarah likes?

Collins or Devan?

Jaylin has to figure out before time runs out. Devan and Collins are substitute teachers for the month right now and is leaving the same day Sarah is...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2019 ⏰

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