Part 1

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-Dark alleyway, Blood splattered everywhere, bodies oozing out blood, and a young girl in white covered blood with her long sharp bloody nails-

Young girl: -breathing hard-

Young boy: -runs past, looks back, paralyzed- H-Hikaru...

-zoomed in an eye that was glowing magma red-

Young boy: W-what did you do?!

-a young teenage girl wakes up and pans-

Young teenage guy: Dream again?

Teenage girl: Tch... what are you doing in here anyways? -glares- Naoyuki-kun

Naoyuki: You passed out in the office yet again. -walks over- so I got worried. -plucks her forehead- Hikaru-chan.

Hikaru: Ow... -sticks out tongue-

Naoyuki: Anyways, come on. We'll be late for school.

Hikaru: Okay. -gets up and go gets ready-

Naoyuki: I'll be downstairs. -goes downstairs-

Hikaru: Alright.

-walkway between two-story houses with sakura leaves blowing in the wind-

Hikaru and Naoyuki: -walking down the walkway-

-a few students walk past-

-they arrived at school-

Hikaru: -Grade 10th walking with her short pixie silver hair, tan skin, light blue eyes, and her skirt to her knees-

Naoyuki: -walking beside her with short pixie silver hair with dark grey strips, light tan skin, light blue eyes, and has a long-braided piece of hair on his left side-

-everyone looked at them-

Some whispers: look, they must be new... They look so cool. Light blue eyes with light colored hair.

A teenage guy: -red short come-over hair, thin oval glasses, pale skin, and gray-blue eyes- ...

#2 teenage guy: hey, Koji-san. Doesn't she look hot?

Koji: -Grade 10th looks over- ... -rolls his eyes- Not really.

Teenage guy: Come on, man!

Koji: I'm serious, Chuboyashi-kun.

Chuboyashi: -Grade 12th, gray semi-short tied back hair, light tan skin, blue eyes- Whatever.

-Class started-

Koji: -sits down at his assigned desk-

Female Teacher: Class, I want to welcome you, two new classmates.

Hikaru and Naoyuki: -walk in, then bows-

Hikaru: I am Hikaru Ogasawara

Naoyuki: I am Naoyuki Ogasawara

Hikaru and Naoyuki: I'm glad to meet you all.

Students: -whispers- I can't believe they are in our class. Yeah

Teacher: you can have a seat, I am sorry the open desks aren't close, but there's one by Koji Morikawa, our class president.

Koji: -Raise hand-

Teacher: And the other by the window.

Hikaru: -goes sits by Koji-

Naoyuki: -sits by the window-

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