Part 3

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Koji: I knew it...

Hikaru: -thinking: shit...- ... -runs away-

Koji: -runs after her- Hikaru!

Hikaru: -continues to run-

Koji: -continues to run after her-

Hikaru: -grabs Naoyuki's hand and runs-

Naoyuki: Hika-chan!

Koji: -stops running at the entrance of the school-

Hikaru and Naoyuki: -runs a long distance from the school, then stops-

Naoyuki: -catches his breath- Hikaru-chan, what the hell?!

Hikaru: I am sorry... I-I got angry and he saw my eyes...

Naoyuki: Damnit, Hikaru. Who else saw it?!

Hikaru: Only him... Class president, Morikawa-san...

Naoyuki: That guy?!

Hikaru: He said "I knew it..." or something.

Naoyuki: What that supposed to mean?

Hikaru: I don't know. Anyways, let's go home. -starts walking home-

Naoyuki: -follows-

Koji: -around the corner- ... -disappears-

-Night time rolls around-

-ding, ding, ding-

Hikaru: -panting, wielding one of her katanas-

Naoyuki: -watching tv-

Hikaru: -continues to train-

-alarms rings-

Hikaru: -stops, dresses in a kimono, straps her two katana holders wrapped around her waist, put regular looking katana in one, and black blade katana in the other, about to jump out the window, and then puts on a bottom half wolf mask that covers one eye-

-wind blows-

Hikaru: -disappears-

Koji: -eating and watching TV-

-shadows run passed the window-

Koji: hm... -runs to his room, grab his cloth, and scythe-

Chuboyashi: Going out again? -leaning against the door frame, smirks, fangs were showing-

Koji: There's something wrong outside, Chubo-kun.

Chuboyashi: No wonder they... -chuckles-

Koji: This is not the time! -opens the window, puts on his cloth, then his hood, his eyes glowed bright grey, and evaporated in dark particles-

Three people: -dressed in kimonos-

Hikaru: -a deep voice- How many are we collecting?

Male: -blue hair with a crow mask- 10 for now, Takata-san

Takata (AKA Hikaru): -nods- Good enough for me to eat... -the one eye was magma red- Ready?

Female: -pink hair with a bunny mask- ... Yes

Male: Yes

-All three were about to move, but a visible slice force stood in front of them, and all were surprised-

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