The Beginning

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It's been half an hour now since I dropped you home

And I'm driving past the places we both know

Past the bar where we first kissed

And that movie that we missed

Cause we were hanging out in the parking lot


"Nialllll, I'd like you to meet my bestestest mate in the whooole wide wooorld, Haroooold,"  Louis exclaims, slurring a bit with his arm slung around a taller lad's shoulders, "Don't worryyy, he's not as scary aaas he looks. And he's gay, tooooo!" Louis whisper shouts, rather loudly at that, making Harry chuckle as he watches as the seemingly shy blond's cheeks tint a bit pink. 

"Hurry up, Louis!" Liam and Zayn shout, pulling Louis' attention off of the introduction he was just making. 

"Coming!" Louis shouts back just as loudly, nearly piercing Harry's ears, who is directly beside him. Niall was slightly better off, seeing as he was a few feet away from the drunk lad, but still covered his ears anyway when he flinched in surprise at the sudden, loud noise. 

Once Louis had run off, leaving the two lads on their own, silence engulfs them as Niall works on lowering his heart rate, and Harry tries to get his ears to work again. 

"I go by Harry, by the way," Harold, or rather Harry, says to Niall, who just nods. 

" do you know Lou?" Harry asks, taking a seat on the barstool beside the one Niall was sitting on, who has been awkwardly sipping at his glass of beer. He doesn't drink much, despite the fact that he's Irish.

"Um, I perform here sometimes, and he's seen me before. We started chatting on the nights we were both here, and that's pretty much the extent of our relationship," Niall explains, the sweat dripping off of his Guinness glass mirroring the sweat on his brow. 

He's not particularly big on socializing. 

"That's awesome, when do you perform?" Harry asks, genuinely interested in what Niall was saying, despite the fact that the latter looked quite nervous and uncomfortable. 

"Oh, um, usually on Friday nights at around half nine, but sometimes in the middle of the week or on weekends if I can get a gig. I perform at a few different bars and pubs in the area," The blond explains, a bit nervous to be chatting with someone he doesn't particularly know. 

He was the exact same when when he met Louis, though Louis was a bit harder to be closed off around. Louis has this innate ability to pull whatever he wants out of anyone, and Niall found himself opening up to the lad in ways he never expected to. 

"Are you performing this upcoming Friday?" Harry asks, a plan formulating in his mind. He wouldn't mind getting the chance to see the blond again, even despite the fact that he seems so nervous. Harry finds himself entranced by the enchanting glimmer in the lad's blue eyes, unable to look away. 

"Yes," Niall answers slowly, dragging the word out as he is a bit nervous and excited all at the same time that this lad, this mighty handsome lad, he reckons, sounds interested enough in him to inquire about when he's expected to be performing. 

"Well, I suppose I know what I'm going to be doing this Friday, then," Harry smiles, flirting a bit with the lad sitting beside him. 

"Y-You don't have to come, it's fine, really," Niall tries to argue, but Harry is having absolutely none of it. 

"Bup bup bup, I want to," Harry says so kindly, with a bit of a flirtation behind it, but Niall ignores that, "I wouldn't mind getting to see you again, anyway," he continues, making it so Niall can't ignore it, before he's smiling softly at the noticeable blush gracing the smaller boy's cheeks. 

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