Chapter 8~ The Kiss and The Monkey?

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Lucy's P.O.V
"So, lucy." Harry asked as we got out of the little diner.
"So Harry." I replied
"I hope you had fun today." he responded looking at me.
"Yeah I had a lot of fun. Thanks Harry." I smiled.
He smiled back "Good me too."
As we reached the door, Harry turned towards me, stopping me from opening the door.
"What's up Harry?" I asked
"I always kiss on the first date." He smirked coming inches away from my face.
Just as we were about to kiss, our lips inches apart, the door opened.
"Good you guys are finally home." A voice said.
I turned around to see Simon Cowell. Thee Simon Cowell.
"Uncle Si? What are you doing here?" Harry asked.
"Get inside. I'll explain in there."
We nodded and went inside.
Once we all reached the couch there was a lot of things that surprised me.
Liam, was blubbering like a baby, with Niall and Zayn aiding him.
As for Louis, he was playing with a- IS THAT A MONKEY? Oh god who in their right bloody mind gave HIM a monkey?
Forgetting the monkey, Simon, Harry and the other three boys I rushed to Liam.
"Liam what's wrong?" I asked softly.
That made Liam cry even more.
"We don't know whats wrong, one minute he's fine next he's like this." Niall explained.
I nodded "Come on Liam lets go to my room. We'll talk there yeah?"
Liam nodded, and I held out my hand.
He took it and held on tightly.
"We'll be back boys." I said as me and Liam traveled to my room.
Once we reached the room, I pulled Liam to the bed.
"Ok, Liam talk." I demanded but still said it softly.
He took a deep breath.
"Danielle, she- s-she b-broke up w-with me-e." He sobbed.
I pulled him into a hug.
"I'm so so so sorry Liam."
"T-the worst part i-is, s-she did it over t-text."
I pulled him closer, as I could feel the tears forming in my eyes, I know how much he loves her.
"It will all be alright soon, I promise." I smiled as he lifted his head off my shoulder.
"You think so?" He asked.
"I know so." He smiled, but his eyes flickered down to my lips, then back to my eyes.
He started to lean in slowly, until his lips were only inches from mine.
Why wasn't I stopping this? I asked myself but before I could answer his lips crashed onto mine.
I responded a couple seconds after. Our lips moving slowly together.
I knew that later I would pay for this, one way or another.
He pulled away, and looked at me, tears forming in his eyes again.
"I'm s-so sorry L-Lucy. I didn't m- mean t-to." he cried into his hands.
"Liam its alright! You're upset thats all. No big deal." I soothed him.
"Really, now lets go back to the boys." I smiled standing up.
"Noooooo! Can we cuddle for a little bit? I'm tired." he yawned.
"Yeah sure what ever." I smirked and sliding in next to him.
Next thing I know, I'm out.

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