Twins..? PT. 1

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Yoongi's POV

"Naeon, hurry up. You'll be late for your first day of school."

I said, waiting for my daughter outside her bedroom. why she's taking soo long?. I knocked on her door again.

"5 more minutes, dad!" She yelled. Sigh sometimes she acts like her mother. She also has her mother's smile and her nose.

The reason why me and Nayeon divorced is because of my career/job being a producer, I was soo focused on my job, I forgot to focus on my own family. Yoonji and Naeon were only 13 that time when we divorced and yes, yoonji and Naeon are twins.

"Ok dad, I'm done! How do I look?"

"Ok dad, I'm done! How do I look?"

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"Umm.. could you cover your neck line? And what's with the outfit? I thought your going to a school, not a club." I said, eyeing her 'Revealing outfit'.

"Dad, please. It's called off-the-shoulder. And this outfit is not even banned in school. Let's go."
Naeon said as she tied her shoelaces and walked outside. I shook my head and smiled. She really acts like her mother.

"So, you excited?" I said as I turned on the engine. "Yes.." I noticed that the tone of her voice was sad. She look out the car window.

"Is there something wrong ?"

"Well.. it's been 3 years since I've seen Yoonji and I.. wanna see her again. I want to bond with her, and mom..."

Nayeon's POV

"Yoonji ah!! Come out, I wanna see you"

"Mom!! This is ridiculous! I look.. girly" she said as she came out of her mini closet. And oh my, she looks beautiful. Like her father. Ahhhh what am I thinkin?!. Get over it Nayeon!

"You look, beautiful Yoonji! Just like your dad, you have his eyes and lips" I said as I brush her hair.

She looked in her mirror and sighed. "I guess I look..cute? Hehe" she smiled. Yoonji even smiles like her dad. His gummy smile... I missed it. And I missed Naeon.

Naeon is like me, she's really into fashion and loves makeup. While Yoonji has her father's traits, like sleeping for 12 hours and loves music. Yoonji even told me that she wanted to become a singer/producer in a group. If only she could see her sister one last time.

"Mom? You're... zoning out. Is there something wrong?" She asked, worried.

"I'm fine, let's go? You'll be late for your first day."

"But I can't go out like this!"

"But you look nice!" I said, hugging my daughter

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"But you look nice!" I said, hugging my daughter. We let go of the hug and she went to wear her shoes.

"Well, I guess I could wear this. For now"

Time skip

Author's POV

"Thanks for driving me to school, dad"

Naeon said, she wore her cap and went outside of the car. Since her mom and dad are 'celebrities' she has to protect her image but its hard 'cause she clearly has the same face as her father and mother.

Same with Yoonji.

Naeon was now near the gate of her school when Yoongi noticed that she left her mask. Yoongi went outside of the car, with the mask in his hand and went after Naeon.

In Naeon's point of view, she bumped into someone.

"Oh! Mianhe, i didnt see y-"



"Yah! Naeon, you forgot your.."

"Yoonji-ah! Your cap was in the.."

The family was frozen.

Naeon looking at yoonji, yoonji looking at her father, yoongi looking at Nayeon and Nayeon looking at Naeon.


Naeon ran into her mother's arms and Yoonji ran into Yoongi. Then Naeon went to hug her sister. Yoonji hugged back with a tear-y eye.

Yoongi went up to Nayeon.



Suddenly, Nayeon hugged Yoongi while crying. Yoongi patted her back and whispered;

"Im sorry,

I really missed you..

And I want you back."

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