Finally PT.1

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Jungliz = 10
Taenni(boy) & Jenhyo(girl) = 16
Jiyoung = 19
Jiro = 18
Yoonji & Naeon = 18

Lisa's POV

"Hun, you ready?" Jungkook asked, fixing his bow tie and tuxedo. I fixed my hair and applied cologne.

"Yeah, Im really excited! Im just gonna check on Jungliz"

"Ok, just be quick, we're gonna be late" he said, putting his watch on his wrist.

I went out of our room and went to Jungliz's bedroom. I saw her wearing this;

"Wow, my pretty daughter, you look beautiful!" I complimented

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"Wow, my pretty daughter, you look beautiful!" I complimented.

"Momm, I cant put this ribbon on my hairrr!" She exclaimed, throwing the ribbon to the floor.

"Here, Ill help you.."

I placed the Aqua green ribbon on her head and fixed her hair. And I also helped her with her shoes cause she was having troubles with the 'Strappy thing–y'.

"Hun, lets go—

Oh Jungliz!!! My baby girl is soo pretty!!" Jungkook carried Jungliz and showered her with kisses.

"Dadddd!!! Im not a baby anymoree!"

I laughed, she really has Jungkook's traits.


At Taennie's House...

Jenhyo's POV

"Mom are you sure that we (Yoonji & Naeon) are gonna wear this??"

"Mom are you sure that we (Yoonji & Naeon) are gonna wear this??"

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"Yep, whether you like it or not.. now hurry up! We're gonna be lateee!" Mom said excitedly. I rolled my eyes and wore the dress.

Hmm, not bad. I thought. But GUCCI and Chanel is better.

"Yo sis!, Have you seen my tuxedo? Its not in my room." Taenni barged in my room wearing a white shirt and black pants.

"uM– have you ever see me doing the laundry? Also you look like James Charles wearing a tuxedo" I scoffed.

"Atleast I dont look like a walking Seawead with fake flowers all over me." He bickered.

"Yah! Stop bickering with each other! Hurry up! Your still gonna have a lot of photoshoots before the wedding.

Also Taenni, your tuxedo is already in the car. Now hurry up!" Dad Said, rushing out of the house without his bow.

He'll remeber it later..

I finished putting on my makeup, wore my shoes and went outside and in the car.

~at Han River (Photoshoot)~

Naeon's POV

"I cant believe it!!! Mom, dad, Uncle Jimin and Aunt Chae are gonna get married at the same time!!!" I exclaimed, hugging my sister tightly.

"Clam down sissy. The wedding hasnt even started yet abd your hair is already messy!"

I quickly pulled away and got a mirror. Checking myself from forehead to chin. I sighed in relief.

"Whew! I spent hours doing my hair. DONT DO IT AGAIN!" I screamed and playfully slapped my sister's arm.

After a while, The others have arrived and I saw Jenhyo, Taenni, Jiyoung, Jiro and Jungliz, looking beautiful/handsome.

But I feel like someone is watching me from afar but I couldnt point it out who.



Jungliz Came running to use with wide arms. We also ran up to her to hug but then..

"AAHH!" I triped on a stone as I closed my eyes and was ready to fall to the ground when I felt somebody carry me causing me to lose interaction with the ground.

"Wh–what?" I asked, confused.

"Dont worry, I got you."

It was Jiyoung Oppa! Suddenly, I felt my cheeks were burning to my ears and my heart racing faster than a cheetah.

Whats happening to me?!!

"Th–thank you, Oppa.." I said, shyly. Get yourself up together Min Naeon!

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