A Dark Night

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The party ended around 9pm, and Cam wanted to take me out to a fancy restaurant. Since he invited just me, the other boys left to the hotel.

Cam hailed a taxi, and being the gentleman that he is, he opens and closes the door for me. The taxi man drove us to the restaurant.

Once we were seated, Cam asked, "So are you going to tell me what was with that little smile of yours earlier?"

I couldn't help but smile again. "It's just that I finally got back at Madison in a perfect way."

"Uh oh....."

"It wasn't like that night at the hotel Cam! I simply talked some sense into her. But I mean, who knows if she'll stick to her word."

"Well I'm proud of you Kait." Cam smiled.

A waiter came to us, and poured us some champagne. I raised an eye brow at Cam.

"Bottled stars?" I said, quoting from "The Fault In Our Stars".

"All that you want my dear." he smiled.


When our dinner date was finished, Cam and I walked back to the hotel since it was only a block and a half away. As if from a movie, we were walking pretty close, and our hands met. He helped me with my balance as I walked the ledge of a flower garden. Everything was perfect.

And then that moment ended.


It happened fast like lightning. Two men jumped out at Cameron and me, making us fall hard to the ground. One pulled out a gun to Cam's back.

"GIVE ME YOUR WALLET!" he demanded.

Cam tried fight him, but the man was stronger, holding him down. Because of this, the man shot him in the leg.

Cam screamed bloody murder.

"NO! PLEASE STOP!" I screamed.


The man, Bruce, ripped off my necklace and tried to slide off my bracelet. But it wouldn't come off.

"It won't come off!! Maybe we should just take the whole package." Bruce laughed.

He threw me over his shoulders and started to carry me away. I struggled to break free, but Bruce was 10x stronger than me. But then he stumbled. I saw Cam on the ground, trying to hold onto Bruce's leg. But he was kicked in the head.


I managed to bite his neck and break free. I ran until I reached an alleyway, but still close to where I left Cam.

I hid behind a dumpster in the alley way and called the police.

"H-h-i my friend..... I are.... mugged. M-my friend is...... s-s-shot in the leg..... kick in the head....I ran.... " I stuttered, trying to catch my breath.

"Calm down lady. Where are you?"

"One block south of the Marriott. 13th street. Hurry."


I peaked around the wall, and saw the two men hurrying to get into their van, and get away. I tiptoed behind their van parked right where they mugged me and Cam. I popped a hole one of their tires with a rusty nail nearby. Moments later, the cops arrived with an ambulance.

That gave me the chance to rush to Cam's side.

"Cam? Cam? CAMERON?" I shook his body fiercely. "Wake up Cameron!"

Tears filled my eyes. I felt the hands of the EMT pull me away from him.

"NO LET ME GO!" I once again tried to break free.

Cam. Oh god....

I saw the blurry moment of the EMTs putting Cam in a stretcher and lifting him into the ambulance.

"It's alright miss. You can ride in the other ambulance with us. Shhhh..." the EMT said, trying to calm me down.


While I was in the back of the ambulance, the EMTs checked to make sure I was okay. Nothing serious.


He's all I could think about.

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