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"How long are you going to stay here?"

Higgs looked up from his knees and saw Lucas squatting in front of him. Higgs' eyes were blurry from crying, blurry from almost melting, blurry from confusion and hurt and pain.

"Does it matter?"

"Well, you can't just sit here. It's late and everyone is about to head to bed... you missed supper."

"Not like anyone missed me."

Lucas sighed and stood up, bending over to Higgs.

"Come on, I'll help you up."

Higgs didn't want to get up but he knew he couldn't stay in the hallway. He took Lucas' hand and let him hoist him up, but his legs were jelly and he fumbled backwards into the wall for support. Lucas made a face at the state of the boy and then sighed.

"Higgs, do you believe Merida is leaving you?"

"Why wouldn't she?" He slid his eyes to the doctor, his usual gray eyes a dark color. "I'm a monster; no one wants to work for a monster."

"You're not a monster, Higgs."

"You don't have to change into a being to be a monster, Lucas. There's plenty of people in this town who are monsters and are just as human as anyone else." He laughed darkly. "I thought because my body changed that I was a monster but now I see that it's not my body that's abominable, but my self. My person and the way I handle things is monstrous... selfish and not worth anyone's time."


Higgs moved off the wall and headed to his room. "I'll be in my room, Lucas."

"Higgs!" He turned a little. "You're not a monster, inside or out."

Higgs didn't say anything for a minute and then chuckled a little.

"You're a nice guy, Doc."

He continued walking away and Lucas ran his fingers through his hair, looking at Higgs' back.

"Shit... we have a problem."


Fuchsia stood in front of Higgs' door and waited for a moment. She wasn't sure what to expect and so she knocked on it anyway. No one said anything so she opened the door, finding Higgs asleep on his bed on his stomach, the bed all askew. She walked in and moved the covers around, moving Higgs around too.

"I'm sorry." He said softly in his sleep.

Fuchsia ignored him and moved him around some more to get him under the covers.

"Mama, I really didn't mean to. Just believe me, okay?"

"Higgs... Higgs, wake up." She said, shaking him slightly.

He moaned for a second and then opened his eyes a little. He looked at Fuchsia for a moment and then hissed and snarled at the same time, attacking her without warning. She screamed as they both slammed into the wall and she felt needles poke through her neck in two places. It hurt but it didn't at the same time. She tried to struggle, but Higgs rammed his knee into her stomach swiftly and it knocked the breath out of her.

It was only for a few moments from when he started but when he gained his proper senses back, he smelled his sister's blood and realized he was the one causing it. He yelped, pulling back from the wall, and holding his hand over his mouth in shock and fear. Fuchsia threw her hand over her wounds and looked up at Higgs. He was staring at her with horror in his eyes and she knew she had to show him she wasn't afraid.


"Stay back."


"Don't come any closer, Fuchsia!" he screamed, his face stained red and his teeth as well. He put his hands back over his mouth. "I don't want to keep hurting you... get out."

To Love A Myth - Book 1: Mr. Higgs and the Maid🎩✔️Where stories live. Discover now