Chapter 1 Act 3 Violet

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So I guess it's time for my story then? Good. The name's Violet Harrowmont. There isn't a lot to know about me, let's be honest here. Not to say I'm not freaking awesome. I'm 24 years old and I think I was literally born to defy the odds. Seeing as to how my own birth was a miracle in itself. Born three months early at 2.7 pounds. A tiny thing. Granted nothings changed on that front. Apparently there was a major issue with how the nutrients were being delivered to them both. Unknown to my younger sister, twin I guess, I had been stealing more than half of the nutrients meant for her. If I'd been kept inside any longer Julia would have died. Almost did. And hell. Everything she's been through, her problems, all started with me taking from her. It was something my parent's left for me to tell her. Which I never did obviously. As brave as I am to be able to do what I do. I was a coward when it came to her. I already felt bad enough growing up. I didn't want to possibly see hatred or malice in her eyes. Odd thing to say, since in the end that's the only type of look she gives me now. Can't blame her. And that's about all I know about my own birth. My parents are tight lipped on how everything went down. Saying it was for our own safety if we didn't know. That never stopped either of us from trying to find out though.

Being as stunted as I was, it was believed that I would never walk right. That more than likely I would end up in a wheel chair at best. My frail body unable to support itself. I said fuck that. Ok. So I was young. But I bet I said it when I heard it as baby Violet. It just came out in child language. According to my parents I was always struggling to move around as much as I could. Crawled sooner than expected, and started walking 2 months after my sister was born. I learned to walk in five months. When I wasn't even supposed to walk. No one can call that anything but dedication. Or stubbornness. Same thing basically. Dedication sounds better. By half way through my first year I had started watching all kinds of actions movies. Mainly fantasy or kung fu. I fell in love with the way they fought and moved. I wanted to be just like them. So by the time I was two, I started learning to fight. My parents have so many videos of my failed attempts. Of course they laughed. That didn't upset me. I would have been more upset if they scream and hollered every time I got hurt. My mother was the main one to help me. My father was extra busy running the hospital and caring for Julia who was still in the hospital at the time. Years passed and I got better, stronger, faster. But not any taller. Sadly. None of it mattered. I couldn't win a single tournament. Not even place.

That was until L came into my life. I finally met him a couple weeks after hearing about him from J so often. Heard his name in hushed whispers when my parents were talking about him. And when I met him, he was smiling. Despite the bandages around his face, the fact his eyes were covered up and he had bandages over his hands. He was smiling. And the reason why he was smiling made my heart melt at that moment. Her was smiling because Julia was trying to read an all time favorite book of mine at the time. Lord of the Rings. I remember looking between them and seeing what true love looked like. Even to this day. I have never seen a purer form of love. It was at that moment I stuffed my new-found feelings away and decided I wouldn't take anything away from her again. Not if it hurt her. L and I became fast friends once I warmed up to him. He was so excited to hear what I did as my hobby. A girl fighter. That was amazing. And how I was fighting through my weakness I was given. He called it dedication I remember. It's why I like that word over stubborn. He then asked me if I would come by after every match or tournament and tell him about it in detail. That was the day I found my motivation. I have yet to lose a fight since. His solid support and enthusiasm about my matches. It was worth it to see that smile on a broken boys face. Proof, that beauty is in the soul. Not the flesh.

Then he vanished. Up and gone one day. Not note, no message. Nothing. All of his things were still there. It was strange. Where could a blind 18 year old have gone? Julia lost her mind and... And I did some things I shouldn't have. But hey. At least I didn't let my career go to waste and my life along with it. I kept fighting. I stayed dedicated and undefeated. I fought... I fought for him. I fought... It doesn't matter why I fought. But I did. I earned my title as the worlds best fighter. At the age of freaking 24 I earned it! I made something of my life. But in this world, it seems I have to start over. And as I continue my sprint through the dense forest around me I realized I had a new goal in mind. I wanted to be the best fighter here. I clung to that goal. It seemed to be the only thing that kept me from freaking out completely.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2019 ⏰

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