Where am I? (REWRITTEN)

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Whats good everyone! I was surprised there was no fanfics where mob gets transported into Remnant. 

So i did what was natural, use my imagination

But then I wrote it down.

This is my first fanfiction ever so don't be fucking on my ass like a bitch



    There was rubble everywhere, what looked like a city gone in a matter of days. What remains in the center was a person surrounded by a strong, beaming light..... and a kid in a bowl cut standing in front of it.

    Toichiro's arm was firmly grasped by Mob's hand, unwilling to let go, no matter how hard he tried to shake him off.

    "But... if I absorbed all that energy... My body might be a big enough vessel to cancel the explosion..." Mob said as he began trying to retract Toichiro's psychic energy.

    Tiochiro looked at Shigeo in awe, "Why is he still trying to save me... I tried to kill him and his friends." he scoffed and looked back at Mob. "It's not possible... It'll only make you suffer..." To his surprise, a light appeared from mob as well, psychic energy radiating now more off him than Tiochiro. The problem was Mob was suffering, Tiochiro can already see the immense pain expressed on his face.

    "That's enough... Let go! Why aren't you letting go?!" Toichiro exclaimed as he was trying to pull away, only to find it was no avail. Suddenly, Mob's eyes burst open, with energy and tears flowing down his face. With every second, Shigeo's control on the power loosened, and it was getting brighter, and brighter.

    Tiochiro reached his other towards Mob, in the hope that he could stop the boy. "DON'T YOUR BODY IS GONNA-" he was cut off by a loud crackling noise. With a burst of psychic energy flying wildly around him. Raising his arms, Tiochiro blocked the immense power going towards him. Even with the scraps of energy left, he was able to create a shield, but It still hurt like hell. However one thing crucial detail came into his mind... "Where the hell is that kid?"

    Looking up, he saw a glowing child with wormhole forming behind him. In seconds its sucked up Shigeo and disappeared, leaving electricity circling around where the boy used to be. Then the explosion happened... Tiochiro's vision faded to black.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Sudden darkness, nothing but a flame growing bigger. It began consuming everybody Mob has loved and befriended... Reigen, Ritsu, Teru, Dimple, Telepathy Club, and the Body Improvement Club. But most importantly Tsubnomi was there... her body and everyone else was engulfed in the flames. The unsettling screams screeching "why?" as they burned into nothingness... In the center of the fire was Mob.

    Mob bolted awake. Sweat dripping down his head as he awoke with tears. He closed his eyes. "It was just a dream." He thought as he began standing up. Surveying his surroundings, he noticed he was in a patch of grass and leaves, with tall trees surrounding him. 

    Mob wiped the tears off his face and flinched. He looked down and was surprised to find out there was blood now smeared on his arm. The Salt Middle School uniform was ripped, rather destroyed. It wasn't only covered by dirt, but also blood, his blood. Flashbacks raced through Mob's mind, The fight, Claw, and eventually Tiochiro being engulfed by light.

Eh? I have to make new friends? (In process of being rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now