Hifumi x Doppo

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"I'm home..."

Doppo just returned home from work, walking into the apartment he and his childhood friend, Hifumi, shared. He still had reports to finish, and seeing that the deadlines were tomorrow, he was more stressed than usual. His eye bags have also gotten deeper, due to the fact that he hardly sleeps anymore. Hifumi, who was more than worried about Doppo's health, greeted him.

"Doppo you're back! I already prepared dinner so let's eat together!"

They were complete polar opposites, he and Hifumi. One was cheery, the other was always down in the dumps; one is optimistic, the other pessimistic; the list goes on and on.

"Don't you have work today? I wouldn't want to make you late for work, plus I have a lot of work to do as we-" he was cut off by Hifumi, who was setting the food down on the dining table, "oh come on Doppo! We haven't eaten together for a long time. And don't worry, I'm taking a day off today. Just relax yourself and de stress! Now, eat up before the food gets cold, I'll get the cutlery."

Doppo stared at the food set on the table, before finally deciding to at least eat something before he continued with his work. Hifumi set down next to him, giving him the cutlery he needed. He mumbled a thank you, and started eating. Hifumi put some vegetables on Doppo's plate, giving him a smile that could rival the sun, "here, eat up your fill! You're definitely tired from all your work."

Doppo only silently nodded, chewing slowly on his food. Hifumi also ate his silently, occasionally putting some food onto Doppo's plate to encourage him to eat.

When they finished their dinner, Doppo immediately went back to doing his work while Hifumi started washing up the dishes. After he was done washing the dishes, he placed them atop the drying rack, and walked over to Doppo. Hifumi looked over Doppo's shoulder, and saw that he was frantically typing something on the computer, and he sighed.

"Doppo, you shouldn't overwork yourself. Overworking yourself will just make you even more tired than you are now."

"But the deadline for these reports are all tomorrow! If I don't finish then up I'll have to work overtime and the boss will also hate me more, resulting in even more work and-"

Hifumi managed to stop Doppo by giving him a small peck on the cheek, then started massaging his shoulders, to which Doppo immediately tensed up under.

"W-what's with the sudden kiss? And it really hurts there..."

"It's the only way to get you to stop rambling isn't it? Just focus on your work for now while I give you a massage, it'll help ease the tension."

"F-fine. I'm almost done with these anyways..."

And after that, it was just silence. Doppo working on his reports while Hifumi gave him massages. Hifumi has always been good with his hands, it was as if he could work magic with that pair of hands, and they probably could in all honesty.

An hour or two passed, and Doppo finally stood up, stretching a bit. Hifumi beamed, "see! I told you it'll help!"

"Yeah... thanks for the massage. It was really soothing," he replied, giving Hifumi one of his rare smiles.

"Heheh, no problem!" he smiled, and dragged Doppo to the living room, saying, "now that you're free, let's watch a show together! We haven't watched anything together in a really long time."

"Alright alright," he mumbled, letting Hifumi drag him. They both sat down on the couch, and Hifumi started changing channels before stopping on a cheesy romance film.

"Let's watch this one!"

"I'm fine with anything."

They both watched again in silence, but it was a comfortable silence. Just within a few moments of the movie, Doppo suddenly fell asleep, leaning onto Hifumi's shoulder. Hifumi smiled, getting up to let Doppo lie on the couch comfortably. He kissed his forehead lightly, before walking into their room to get a blanket. He draped the blanket over Doppo's sleeping form, and sat himself down on the floor, staring at Doppo's peaceful sleeping face. He reached out to caress his cheek lightly, so as to not wake him up, before giving him a peck on the lips.

"Good Night Doppo... I love you," he mumbled, entwining his hand with Doppo's before falling asleep next to him. But just before he fell into a deep slumber, he heard someone whisper back, "I love you too..."

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