Rio X Jyuto

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A short (angst) fic because my brain short circuited and wouldn't write/think properly. There's gonna be some cursing at the end btw. Sorry I haven't been updating much, been busy with schoolwork. TvT

It was raining when it happened. A death that stunned Rio for the rest of his life and one that he never thought could've happened. A death of a friend, no, someone he loved, a love that he never gotten to confess.

He didn't want to accept the fact that his love had died, he couldn't. Jyuto was strong and could defend himself, how could he die just, out of nowhere? It just couldn't happen, or that was what Rio thought, because it did happen, on one of Jyuto's missions.

Samatoki could do nothing to help him. He tried to comfort him, but Rio only pushed him away. He was inconsolable, one could say. It was to the point he couldn't find the strength in him to attend the funeral until the last day, when he was to be buried. Oh how he had wished he could be buried with him, since what's the point of survival when you didn't even want to survive?

It was just another day of nothingness, another day of suffering, another day of pure agony. He hadn't eaten in days, weeks, he had lost count, having almost no mood to go hunting. He ignored the growls coming from his empty stomach, but he doubted he had long left. Never in his whole life did he think he was going to die of starvation, but yet here he was.

Well, who would care, or even notice, he died? Certainly not Samatoki, since he already gave up on trying to do the impossible: consoling his teammate. Certainly not Jyuto, he's already gone from this cruel world. The world would just move on eventually, and he was sure no one would remember him, since he didn't have much connections with the outside world.

Cursing the painful reality of this world, he slowly gotten up and walked in the direction of a graveyard, the graveyard that Jyuto was buried in. He remembered where it was clearly, how could he forget? It was the place where he last saw his love, who was lying in a coffin and about to be lowered into the ground.

Continuing his long and arduous walk, he suddenly chuckled, no, laughed. It was as if he had already lost his mind. What was he laughing at? Obviously at how stupid he had been; how stupid he had been to fall in love with a teammate, a friend, how stupid he had been to not have confessed his love earlier, how stupid he had been to think of them being together... how powerless he had been when his love died.

Trudging on the road towards the graveyard, his stomach kept grumbling at him, wanting to be fed, but he couldn't give a damn, nor did he feel much pain coming from said empty stomach. That's what being in the Navy does to you, it trains you to endure a lot of situations one usually wouldn't find themselves in. Still, he was thankful, because if it weren't for the harsh Naval training, he would probably be dead by now.

Finally, after who knows how long, he reached the graveyard, and he didn't even need to look for Jyuto's grave, he knew where it was by heart, even though he only came here once before. He collapsed next to the tombstone, and stared at the picture of his beloved that was on it.

"You know what's my biggest regret? It's the fact that I never gotten to tell you 'I love you'... even when I had the chance to... and I also regret that I couldn't protect you better..." 

Tears had already started to roll down his cheeks, and he didn't notice them until they fell onto the tombstone.

"I'm so weak... crying over petty things like this... you must think that I'm weak too, right...?"

He didn't bother to stop the tears from flowing, he didn't even wipe them away. He just let them drop one by one with his hands now clenched into fists, choking back his sobs.

"I'm so sorry, so sorry that I'm useless, so sorry that I wasn't able to protect you, so sorry that I couldn't even live properly like you wanted me to..."

At this point, he was just a rambling, crying mess. He kept rambling on on how useless he was, how powerless he was, how weak he was, how stupid he was. He couldn't stop himself, he just couldn't. He broke down into a sobbing mess, now kneeled down in front of the grave crying his eyes out, but what use was it? Crying couldn't bring back the dead.

He gathered his emotions after some time, his sobbing now reduced to sniffles. Suddenly, he smiled. Just out of nowhere, he smiled.

"Don't worry, I'll go meet you soon... it won't be long..." he whispered, and then his eyes fell shut, hoping that he can rest in an eternal slumber and reunite with his love forever.

To his dismay, that didn't happen. Samatoki just so happened to visit Jyuto's grave too on that day, and when he saw Rio on the brink of death, he immediately called for an ambulance and he was rushed to the emergency room.

It took him days to wake up, and those few days were precious to him. He got to meet Jyuto, and Jyuto was shocked to say the least. Jyuto tried his best to convince him to continue living, and as much as Rio didn't want to, Jyuto miraculously consoled him enough for him to find some motivation to live on. Even though they only spent a few days together, it was the best days Rio have ever had. And when the time came and Rio had to leave, Jyuto gave Rio a small peck on the cheek, encouraging him to live on.

Samatoki was sitting next to him when he came to, and when he woke up, the former immediately called for nurses. When he was stabilised, he got one hell of a talking to, it was Samatoki after all.

"Do you have any fucking idea how worried I was?! I already lost a fucking teammate and no way in hell am I going to lose another one! What the hell were you thinking even?! I swear if I could I would've fucking killed you!"

That was just one small part of the yelling that he got. He merely nodded through it all, and when Samatoki finally calmed down, he popped the question, "so, did you meet him or what?"

Rio could only muster a small smile at the question, "yes, yes I did. I got a huge talk from him too, one that was similar to yours... but I think I'll live on now. I won't do something this brash anymore."

"You'd better! Or else I'm gonna kill you myself!"

"I wouldn't mind that."


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