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I was wondering around my room and I tripped on something, I looked seeing a small box

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I was wondering around my room and I tripped on something, I looked seeing a small box

I picked it up and opened it seeing colored paper, the first paper said

'TO Nadiya!'

I sat on my bed and took the paper out placing the top one at the bottom

'Nadiya, loving someone is amazing and I'm not talking about the family love, the love you give someone and stay with them forever'

'Do not hide your true feelings for someone, because Nadiya, you are amazing, good looking, beautiful girl and I bet someone or Alot of boys already think that'

'You are a strong girl, I know that, do not and I mean DO NOT, let the past hit you in the future, your future shouldn't involve the past, hopefully these are being read after you've gotten away'

'Once you leave that house, everything stays in the past, I understand a few things may come back by things you see or anything, but that's okay, just don't let it ruin your future baby girl'

'Nadiya, can you do me a favor, after you get out the shower or when you undress, look in your mirror, you haven't done that in a very long time, but I promise you, you won't dislike what you see, your scars are beautiful, it shows you brave and not afraid, your mother has many scars but she still loves herself, your grandma even has wrinkles, scars and she loves herself, and so do I baby, promise me to just to this'

'Love your body, find your loved one, have kids before or after marriage, your my everything, all of you are even if I never got the chance to meet the little one, please love yourself, do as I've asked and also forget the past!'

I put that one at the back and it shocked me to see the last one, I was in tears

'Love Auntie'

I put them back and placed it on my bedside table

Mirror...I have a mirror

I looked around and spotted a huge long mirror on my wall...I stared at it "how have I never noticed that!" I said

"This is the longest I've seen you without a baby with you!" I heard and looked at the door seeing jungkook

"Why is that such a shock?" I asked and he shrugged "because if you wanting to change your future you can't have her distracting you all the time!" He said and I glared at him

"God your such an idiot, how is she going to change hers, huh a 11 month old, piss off!" I said "alright then!" He said and walked downstairs

"AHHH!" I heard Natalie and my eyes widened but something stopped me...I heard rattling behind me, I turned and saw a chain I froze the man grabbed me and put the chain around my neck and covered my mouth

I was weak in this situation, I heard another screamed and closed my eyes

He dragged me with the chain backwards out the window I felt something hit me where the tattoo is, I looked at seen a knife in my leg right were the scar was I tried to scream but it was muffled

I looked and seen Natalie hurt, she had blood on her and they held her neck and wrists, I had to follow what she said

I forgot all about the chair I booted the man in the balls with My right foot grabbed the chair and hit him with it

I hopped quickly over to Natalie and hit one of the men with the heavy chair on the back of the head, I looked at the knife and saw them coming for me  I pulled it out and stabbed the man in the chest and stabbed the other in the arm and punched them both down taking their weapons away

"Freeze!" I heard "just come with us and you won't be hurt!" The man said

There is 7 boys yet they aren't even fucking helping, I heard a few gunshots and flinched

Natalie looked at me as I got much more weak, i had not balance and fell to the floor "AHHH!" Natalie screamed and crawled over to me, I smiled "im okay!" I said and stroked her cheek as she just cried

"I'm okay, shush!" I said and sat up scrunching my face and biting my lip so I don't scream

"Sorry!" Jungkook said "you don't need to apologise where are the others?" I asked "out on a look out, I guess they saw the car tracked it's home and came here!" He said

I heard a car pull up as I held Natalie close since she won't stop crying

"Shit what happened?" Jin asked as they ran over "after I went downstairs, Natalie screamed they both were attacked and pulled out the window!" Jungkook said

"And how did you not act fast?" Hoseok asked "I thought it was just from her panic things!" Jungkook said

"And how did you realize they were getting attacked?" Jimin asked "Natalie!" Jungkook said

"Jesus, your a gang member you have to be clear for these things, what do we do?" Yoongi asked and hoseok picked up Natalie and now they realize my wound

"Fuck...!" Jin said "your all so stupid!" I said "that's why she's screaming and crying more!" I said

"What happened?" Taehyung asked as jungkook helped me up without trying to hurt me

We went in the house and into a room which looks like a nursing room

"Explain!" Namjoon said as jin began to treat my leg now that I've got no leggings on just thongs and my top

"Explain what that they jumped off the building,  they had Natalie by the neck and wrists, and they, had a...!" I paused now coming to what I fought threw

"Had a what?" Hoseok asked "chain...they had...a chain...!" I said "God are you okay?" Jin asked

"When I saw Natalie I snapped out of it booted the guy with my free foot, grabbed the chain and hit him with it...I struggled to the other 2 hit them with them chain, but it didn't help...so I grabbed the knife out my leg and took the 2 out and moved their weapons!" I said shocked

"You took 2 of them out and pulled a knife out your leg?" Jimin asked and I nodded "the chain though...I wasn't scared that much, just more in shock!" I said

"You pulled threw a fear, because you saw someone you love hurt!" Taehyung said

"I did as she asked!" I said "What who?" Namjoon asked "Eommas sister, her wish is for me to fight through the past, to see different of myself, to not be afraid and fight back!" I said

"And he killed her?" Hoseok asked and I nodded

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