Chapter 3 (Pain and Tears)

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The next thing that happened, no one was aware of. Out of nowhere, Nevil pulled out a sword and attacked Jacob's body, causing his to scream in wound and pain.

AS for Delilah...her heart dropped.

"JACOOOOOOOOOB!!!" she screamed, as the Mormons dragged her away with them.


Chapter 3 (Pain and tears)

Delilah's POV

I had never felt pain in my life before, never had my heart racing like a hungry dog: never had my breath struggle in a raggedy rhythm: never felt like my world was going to black out. When he sword touched Jake's chest, a loud thrashing sound of pain escaped his for me, I was shell-shocked. Red crimson blood dazzled out of his skin, as it pierced through his body. For the first time in my life, I think I felt something, something dark and monotonous dance in my stomach. My hands formed a tight fist as I recalled the horrible memory. Was Jacob all-right? What would happen to him? How would he live with that monster inside him? Thinking about questions like these, made me want to kill the Mormons.

I didn't know, how or when, but somehow I managed to fall asleep, and dreamt about Jacob.

His hands were plastered in deep gashes and his face looked tightened with vexations and yet so innocently vulnerable too. In the dream, he was laid down on a solid rock, his eyes fluttering in pain and anguish. I shuddered.

"Jake, I'm back," I whispered, fresh tears trickling down my chin.

HE stirred gently, attempting to open his eye lids, but failing miserably.

"Shh, I'm here now, things will be fine," I answered, my voice full of determination.

Automatically, his hands approached my lips. His cool touch made me shiver in anticipation. This had never happened before, so why was it happening NOW of all time?

"That bastard hurt you," he stated. This made me chuckle. Out of all the things he could say, it had to be THIS? There he was, laying on the humongous rock, looking almost dead and yet he was concerned about ME being hurt?

"I'm fine," I replied looking away, even though I was hurting like mad. Nevil's disgusting touch had dirtied by body: I felt like ripping my skin out.

We both stayed there, gazing into each other's eyes. All of a sudden, I realized a mutual feeling that I had never come across before. This time I wasn't just gazing into a normal boy's golden eyes, in fact I had never realized how golden and absorbing his eyes were before. What was happening to me?

Was this LOVE?

Hell no, I didn't even know what love was. In fact, I detested that word. I was forever repelled by it. Then, why was my heart pounding like a kid on a trampoline? Why were the unanswered question revolving around my head like the clothes in a washing machine. As much as I hated admitting it, it had to be love. I was falling into this heart breaking word. And there was nothing I could do to change it at all.

"Jacob, I love..."

• * *

I never got the chance to finish it off, suddenly I was being roughly pulled out of my magical dream and being brought back to the brutal reality. Unwillingly I opened my eyes and my sight my ruined by an evil looking appearance of Nevil. Bastard.

"What do you want," I snarled.

H laughed. "You look hot when you're angry. Very charming, not to mention seducing..." he whispered, capturing my face in his dirty hands.

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