Chapter 31

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Jungkook P.O.V.

As I see Baekhyun point a gun at me I sort of come to terms that this is how things are going to end. Hoping that Tae will be alright without me

But all of that comes crumbling down when Taehyung pushes me out of the way as the gun goes off

Everything seems to go in slow motion when I watch the scene unfolding in front of me

Security grabbing Baekhyun while Jimin and the others rush towards Tae

Realizing why, I break out of my trance like state

Crawling quickly over to Taehyung I see the blood spreading over his chest, his eyes blinking slowly

He glances down and frowns at his chest, as if he doesn't know what's happening

I feel tears come to my eyes when I make eye contact with him

Noticing how quickly the blood is flowing I firmly press my hand against his chest as tears run down my face

He glances at Namjoon behind me who's shouting for security to call the police

I notice Taehyung struggling to keep his eyes open

"Babe, stay with me! You can't go to sleep Taehyung" I plead

"Just for a lil bit...." he trails off

"No baby! No stay with me" I say urgently

As he closes his eyes I begin to panic

"Don't leave me!"

After his eyes close I keep the pressure on his chest, not really knowing where he got hit

I see Jimin on the phone on the other side of me, talking to an emergency operator

"They'll be here in a few minutes" Jimin says grabbing onto Tae's hand

"Please Tae stay with us" I say quietly looking at his pale face

"He's losing too much blood" Jimin says wiping his eyes

"Jimin don't go there, he's going to be fine" I hear Yoongi say

"Seoul emergency medical team!" I hear someone shout

"Over here!" I shout

A few people come running over, getting to work on stabilizing Tae immediately

Only a few moments go by as my hands are replaced with professional ones

"We need to get him to the hospital now!" One of the team members yells

Immediately they get Tae on a gurney and carry him quickly out into the ambulance

Running after them I get in the back

"I'm sorry, what is your relation to this man" One of the paramedics asks

"I'm his boyfriend" I reply stiffly

The man nods and lets me stay, signaling to the driver to get going

I glance out the windows to see our friends rushing to a car to follow behind us

I let the paramedics do their jobs and just sit, holding Tae's hand hoping that he'll be alright

Soon we reach the emergency department of the hospital and Taehyung is taken away from me

When I try to follow I'm told their taking him into surgery and I can't follow

Being directed into the waiting room I meet the rest of our group there

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